sbl 21.05 - built to hpt (2-3 NtscapeNavigator's SC)

cableCarnage 2748

the plan

This is a classic rush with tag + flatline Weyland. BtL ability used to go as fast as possible.

what is this good and bad against

This deck is good against careless runners that make low impact runs.

This deck is bad against careful runner that focus on high impact runs.

tournament report

  1. Loss vs The King on Maxx (not Hivemind). This game was streamed. Early Stargate was super disruptive. I tried drawing my way out of the lock to see all my agendas by turn 4. Tried to fight it but the game was a lost cause.

  2. Loss vs doomrat on Networking Apoc Val. Runner focusing on high impact runs and clearing tags with Networking countered the game plan very effectively. Furthermore accumulating more bad pub with Hostile Takeover was awful.

  3. Win vs JackMade on Zahya. Zahya can't resist early central runs. Got hit with Economic Warfare into Hard-Hitting News for their trouble. Cleared tags, made another cheeky central run, Economic Warfare into Hard-Hitting News. This time the runner couldn't clear tags which lead to their demise.

  4. Win vs Swiftie on Apoc Alice. Alice can't resist early archives runs. Got hit with double Economic Warfare into Hard-Hitting News for their trouble. Runner managed to clear tags but it meant I could chain Project Atlas in the remote.

  5. Loss vs Tugtetgut on Apoc Loup. Runner focusing on high impact runs countered the game plan.

moving forward

This deck is not good. There are two fundamental flaws with it.

  1. You struggle to force runners to interact with you before they are ready. And you have little chance of beating a runner in the late game.

  2. The scoring plan is too fragile. If the runner manages to steal even a single Project Atlas, you need to score the rest and either all the Hostile Takeover or a Global Food Initiative.

There might be a strong deck with this archetype but basing it on this one would involve significant changes.