The Good Kit
Undefeated corp list here, enjoy vegan azmari
This is the Kit that you should be playing, especially if you're a fan of migraines and cursing your past self. The other Kit is a deck about maximizing the number of games that you just win due to sheer luck of the draw. That gameplan is straightforward: draw until you can spark, fix your deck if you can't, then either completely crush your opponent or sputter and stall until you've lost. This deck is built with the opposite thought in mind, a philosophy closer to Sokka's BtL lists: maximize the number of decisions you get to make and consistently choose the right one.
Because of the number of decision points and how early you need to identify where you'll need ice (often 2-4 turns in advance) this isn't a deck you can just pick up without practice. I didn't feel comfortable with it until 100+ games, but I'm a pretty slow learner who needs to make the same mistake a several times and feel bad about it before I actually internalize the lesson.
Card Choices
Without spark we can actually play some other programs. Kyuban and Paricia are great tech pieces allowing you to fight both iced remotes and raw asset spam effectively. SMC lets you get what you need without flipping a coin. Turbine extends the range of your propeller and gives Inversificator even more surfing power and allows Na'Not'K to function outside of large remotes in the rare case that it matters.
This deck plays a decent number of underplayed cards that I feel I should justify here.
- Inversificator - The reason to play the deck. Swapping ice is secondary only to destroying ice in terms of unfair things you can do as the runner, and with Kit being able to get into any two-ice server due to break swap break (code gate paint is until end of run) the unfairness is off the charts. Slam prop and inverse and you'll get into basically any server. This is the main skill-testing card of the deck and to play it well you basically need to know the entire ice pool and be able to know where you'll want ice in the next 2-4 turns. This is a skill that takes a while to master but is exceptionally rewarding if you do.
- Cataloguer - This isn't the best multi-access card, but it's the right one for exactly this deck. Because you have a hard time running multiple times per turn being able to skip the nonsense and just steal is really good. Rigging this up is also awesome and provides the ability to double steal a la mini deep dive, or to whiff on one use and still have another stack + steal. This is a sometimes food. You'll often win with remote + burner pressure, but against glacier this can dramatically reduce the amount of runs you need to make to win and against decks like PE being able to access only what you want to access makes R&D a much, much safer avenue to victory.
- Na'Not'K - More sometimes food. I install this in fewer than 1/3 of games, you just don't need it that often. But when you need it, you NEED it. This breaks for [number of subs] credits in those games. Because you're in charge of building the remote and choosing where the sentries are, you can either build a game where this is unnecessary or you can turn it into a very cheap breaker. The only other option I'd seriously consider is Revolver, but the Bravado is a better inf spend IMO. Echelon is almost strictly worse in this deck as it can never hit more than 5 without boosting. Ika has big problems with just getting trashed and why pay to move your breaker when you can just pay to move the ice instead?
- Rigging up - You have ~10 cards you can use with them, and there's not much of a priority list, just slam down whatever piece you have in hand. This keeps the deck moving and helps to manage the overdraw that Nuka and Diesel+1 tend to cause. This card makes Cataloguer worth playing in this deck IMO, even if you don't plan to do that every game. Make sure to rig up Animal Camera before you play any other events!
- 3x Burner - Card's good, people should play more of it. You can slow so many corps down so much with this, and landing multiple throughout the game can be devastating. Great Steve target as well since whether they'll give you burner can tell you a lot about what's in their hand and what your opponent thinks about the current state of the game. Given Kill Azmari's success you need to be able to land these early and often, and the only way you can do that is with a load of draw and 3 copies.
- 3x Bravado - Obviously not an underplayed card, but spending 90% of your influence on this seems odd. Being able to keep up heavy pressure early and recurring them later to fund the last few necessary pushes and swaps is really important. If I cut one, I'd consider bones/wheels + pinhole, but seriously, just play 3.
- 1x Simulchip - You don't need more than one, it's there to fix your board after an SDS, propeller through a big pharos in a pinch with turbine, or bring back an SMC. Identify whether you're likely to need this early and feel free to discard if not.
From worlds, the banlist the changes are -3 Trick Shot -1 SMC +1 Overclock +1 Inversificator, +1 Daily Casts +1 [Free Slot, I chose Laundry, bblum chose Nuka, I'd consider Stoneship as well with the amount of PE and Azmari and Ag that seem to be around]
The Trick Shot ban barely affected this deck, probably less than every other shaper deck.
Deck went 3-3 on the day, with 1 of those losses being due to a bad call that I stand by and 2 being due to rotten luck. All three losses were captured on Aksu's stream :D
Wins against Azmari Kill, Earth Station, and Ag.
- Both Glacier games were very similar, 7-0 in both games. Being able to swap ice around is often glacier's worst nightmare, they HAVE to have Thimblerig rezzed or they cannot compete. The Oduduwa list in particular had substantial problems where I was able to make a number of successful centrals runs while only hitting it twice (once on rez, once from a Konjin), which wasn't nearly enough to stop the pressure.
- The Azmari Kill match was well controlled. My opponent probably should have pushed a turn earlier as I was able to burner essential cards from their hand, but rezzing ice that you don't want to against this deck is also a recipe for disaster. When I successfully contested the remote after the main push, Animal Camera saved me from punitive by having 3 events in hand. After that another steal on HQ and a Cataloguer dig after clearing spin closed the game.
Losses to Chonky Seal's PE twice and Azmari Kill in the cut.
- The first PE loss was due to a run on archives. I had 5 in hand and my opponent had discarded ~5 cards with cohort. Rather than let a regenesis+3 score go through I figured I would force a spin or moon pool pop, but instead there was Sting Sting Fuji Fuji in archives, and shuffling back a Fuji got the kill. I stand by the decision to run here as sensible, the number of expected agendas was lower, but I got outplayed here as my opponent read me well and I misread how my opponent was handling flood.
- The second loss was just rotten luck. I had a solid start but all 3 inversificators, 2 SMCs, and the Na'Not'K were in the bottom 12 cards of the deck. If I'd drawn any of those during the game I would have been able to actually contest the remote. There's an argument for having run on one particular turn to prevent the Regenesis score by just drawing 3 times and running, but that still leaves me in an awful position. I think Loud PE is actually a totally fine matchup for the deck as you can check the board pretty well, DJ Steve to keep deck up or Loup to fight board, safely make targeted R&D runs with cataloguer, manage HQ with your burners, and make cheap runs off moving Anemone after it's been used. This was a frustrating loss due almost entirely due to variance, but hey, card games.
- The Azmari loss was also incredibly frustrating as I managed the money war quite well while searching for my outs. Once the kill combo was clearly in place, I burner and send the neurospike and shuffle effect to the bottom. I go to contest the remote with bravado and a click to spare, ready to deal with pretty much anything. I break the draw on unsmiling and jack out (avoiding what I have to assume is a roto or second unsmiling) and clear the tag to deny planeogram value. I'm actually feeling okay at this point as I'll be able to surf down next turn and break what's probably an innermost barrier. Then my opponent just topdecks the second neurospike. Card games. (There's an argument that I should have put a card on top with burner, but leaving the Attitude Adjustment in hand or on top means they get to draw with it anyway, and if they push out the reeducation they still draw into the kill via reeducation draw. I think that Kit is also marginally favored in this matchup without djupstad, but Azmari Kill is another high roll deck that sometimes just (very) high rolls.)
Big thanks to the other Pittsburgh folks in general for making and helping to refine this list to where it is now. Yinz are great <3
Go play some Kit before the card is banished.
Hey, great decklist! I've been getting some reps in with it and it's a blast to play. I think you're right about 3x Bravado - I tried with 2 Bravado, 1x Pinhole and 1x Miss Bones, but I didn't realize that you could SMC -> Paricia if you needed it, which probably makes the 3x Bravado deck a little better.
How do you think about swapping Tatu-Bola? If I've been playing the interaction right, you can swap it first, then the corp can swap it with ICE from HQ in its new position. I haven't been able to wrap my mind around where is good to put it, especially given the corp swap.
Congrats to the PGH meta on getting a Districts & a Megacity! I'd moved away from PGH before getting into Netrunner, but now I wish I'd been playing while I still lived there.