Rude'duduwa [4-1 @ CoS]

Santa 1813

Get your d20s ready...

Rude'duduwa Omega Ice


The core Exodia of this list is:
- Oduduwa on HQ, with flipped Earth Station
- Konjin on R&D
- Thimblerig on the remote (with the ability to swap with the others as desired)

The List:

Lmao, posted the wrong list. Should be:
-3x The Basalt Spire
+2x SDS Drone Deployment
+1x Send a Message


This list was something I brewed in early spring when I noticed that Holo Man can advance ice, and unadvancable ice for that matter. Oh, and Tree Line can too... πŸ€”

My initial versions looked at Clearinghouse kills. However, I think you need Bio Vault, to defend them from Pinhole, and at that point you probably want to play BtL and would be best with something closer to Good Old Worlds Grind.

The Strengths:

I think this is the best Earth Station list I've made, and the Konjin/Oduduwa combo helps you not simply lose off R&D. That forcing function to drag folks through Oduduwa is one of its core strengths.

The scoring pattern is also quite clean, allowing you to threaten on each jam. With Holo parked anywhere, each install could be a 5/x (which you only need 2 of to win, since Atlas with 2 counters scores 4 points with the 1x Audacity in list).

Border Control also works wonderfully in this list:
- Either taxing out an additional Earth Station payment on the remote.
- Or, requiring another run past Oduduwa/Omega Ice

Going forward:

Why wasn't this my world's list? Well...

I had this list within consideration for worlds, as I felt Ari + Physarum/Hush was at a relatively low play rate, and there were a lot of matchups we could simply dunk on beyond Ice Destruction Hosh. However, after playing CoS, even with going 4-1, it felt like the list had some rough spots to round out before I'd lock it in for worlds.

Told Bost post CoS: "Give it another month and this could dominate".

As for rounding things out:

  • I'd probably cut the Reversed Accounts.
    • I think that card is slept on and needs to be re-evaluated post RWR with Holo Man, and HaM.
    • I've messed around with it in Earth Station before, and it's pretty messed up, but I just found it not really lining up/connecting on the day in this particular list. Think the slot might be best as something pushing you forward. Wouldn't have complained about having an extra Thimblerig.
  • I'd consider more Regos. I found myself with "extra" clicks a decent amount of the time, and while clicking for credits is perfectly fine, Regos can absorb this well.
  • Wall to Wall is a card I experimented with previously as it gives some solid drip and allows you to advance "unadvancable" ice πŸ‘€. I'd reconsider them, so long as you can keep the list from going to time. My main issue with them is that they're slow.

I'm glad I locked in the Glacier Ag I did. My world's Corp list:
- Santa's List [5th @Worlds]


  • Let's go Mutant Blastoise!
  • Shouts to Muntal Bost as always!
  • It was so wonderful seeing, and meeting everyone!
  • All those I've met who weren't able to make it out to worlds as well!
  • All the NSG Volunteers!
29 Oct 2024 Gyro88

Sick deck! Now slot RPCs and make the world's largest Atlas

30 Oct 2024 tracy12

This essay is excellent and really helpful. I've been silently practicing this, and I'm becoming better at it! Enjoy yourself polytrack free game, work harder, and develop your impressiveness

30 Oct 2024 AnOddRadish

When you told me about this deck at CoS it filled me with dread. Ag was the right decision but this also would have torn up swiss. Worst of luck, I hate this πŸ˜‚

30 Oct 2024 London

It's probably too cute but you could priority construction an oduduwa and then thimblerig it over to where you need.

30 Oct 2024 Zerothmaxima


30 Oct 2024 xdg

Sick. What was your strategy with the psi games? Randomizing? Or did you have credits to burn to tax the runner to match you?

30 Oct 2024 Santa

@xdg, assuming Oduduwa is out, I usually randomized between 1-2. However, generally, I’ve found the hit of the successful psi game is large enough that the small tax on both sides is pretty minimal and simply much more important winning/losing it as connecting with a 6+ advance Oduduwa is quite impactful!

30 Oct 2024 Santa

Haha, @Gyro88i considered it 😁

Feel we’d need a few more adjustments since it sadly isn’t winning straight up. I know IonFox had a sick Red Planet Couriers list at worlds. Hopefully posted sometime soon πŸ‘€

30 Oct 2024 Santa

@London I considered it, and do feel like if you can get the value off Priority Construction it could be worth a shout, but at least with the 1x Thimblerig rn it’s not reliant enough imo. Thimblerig + Secure and Protect is a fun way to get a Border Control on the remote though. Solid ice!

30 Oct 2024 Santa

@AnOddRadish haha 😁😝

31 Oct 2024 maninthemoon
