Major Tom (1st, MultiZone SC, 17-01-14)

lopert 1618

Tournament Data
3-1 in swiss, and 3-0 in top4 elim.

14 player Ottawa Region Store Championship.
HB FA(Loss), Jin PU, HB Batty, HB Friendcoats.
HB FA, Jin PU, Jin PU.


Pretty standard Temu Val list with a few key changes to accomodate sifr.
While it sucks to go down to 2 Temujin, fitting the clone chips back in for instant parasite / sifr is strong.
The deck felt a little tight on econ, so feel free to swap a cc for a temu to smooth it out.

The trope is your safeguard against grindy damage decks. If playing against PU, just watch them get real sad when you're sitting on a trope with 10+ counters.
Theoretically, trope gives you the ability to bring back a really solid subset of your deck once you've ran through it (2x parasite, 2x cc, temujin, blackmail, etc.), but in reality, every game I've played ends before that time (and I never triggered it during the tournament despite installing it 3 times). You could definitely cut it if you wanted to live dangerously.

7 Feb 2017 pmelvin

@lopert what character(s) would you rebirth into (I am new to the game)

7 Feb 2017 lopert

@pmelvinReally, any of the anarch IDs are fantastic. You'll need to decide what ability helps you most in your current matchup.

Whizzard: Master Gamer if you need more money against asset spam.
Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer against combo / EOI.
Omar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist to force weaker central defense.
Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire can even be used against shutdown decks (install viruses mid combo with Clone Chip)

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