Classic Noise Mill

d4spien 3

Classic Noise mill inspired by one of SlySquid's initial list with my personal variations based on my playstyle. The early versions have very low econ but surprisingly enough can fend for itself thanks to the Cyberfeeders which I believe is a staple to any Noise deck. The inclusion of Cache made a huge econ bump because it usually provides 5-7 credits thanks to Cyberfeeder, Aesop and Grimoire.

Early game: Mulligan hard for Wyldside. It's what will help the deck in the long run. Keep running with Imps on the board to let them rez those ICE for fear of trashing their much needed cards. A Medium or Nerve Agent in hand will tell you which of the servers you want to keep ramming through and laying those Parasites. Keep checking the archives for agendas and grow those Datasucker tokens. You'll need them during the course of the game.

Mid/Late game: You don't need to keep on running every turn at this stage. What you want to do is keep playing those viruses. With Cyberfeeders, Cache and Aesop's, the virus cards are all cheap to play. Wyldside will provide you a steady stream of viruses in hand and so does Deja Vu and Clone Chips. If you fear getting Scorched since there's no Plascrete in here, which to me is totally unneccessary, run on Archives to let them rez ICE, Parasite it via Clone Chip, kill it using Datasucker tokens and then jack out so you don't get SEA Sourced next turn. One final run with the help of Knights into Archives will secure you the win so I use these sparingly unless I really need to such as a locked R&D with Medium.

Remember, you don't have to get to 7 agenda points if you think that you can just deck them out. This deck is capable of doing that if you don't get agendas in the early game on your archive runs or R&D runs with Medium.

Although some people think that Jackson gives this deck a hard time getting those agendas, on the contrary, it actually isn't. The viruses are so cheap that you can consistently mill 3-4 cards every turn. And if the corp is using Jackson to draw some cards then let him. That will get you closer to your goal.

Djinn, which was a 3rd Grimoire, is a great card and I'm happy to include it. Besides the benefit of hosting 3 non-icebreaker programs, it's ability to fetch for viruses, especially Parasites, is its best use. Don't be afraid to use this every turn even if only for getting a Cache or Gorman. Cache returns the money I spent while Gorman slows down the corp because most of the time they try minimize using clicks by drawing cards or gettings creds.

"But Keyhole does a better job than this and so does Data Leak Reversal."

Keyhole requires me to run on R&D and in turn I have to have my suite of breakers and creds to benefit from it's effect. I do get to choose a card that is trashed but I'd rather just spend a cred to trash that card using my virus. And if that card was Cache, I just earned 2-4 creds rather than spending anything at all.

Data Leak Reversal needs to have a lot of cards to synergize with it effectively and at most, it doesn't stay in play that long. It's much more simpler spending a cred or two for playing a virus card to mill a card.

Some considerations:

What I'd make to include in the list is an Eden Shard. It's a counter against Jackson but it seems a bit overkill to just include a card specifically against it.

I'd also like another Aesop in there probably in place of one Clone Chip. Sometimes I just want to get rid of programs because I have lots of them on the board all the time. A 3rd Aesop gives me a better chance of getting one early.

The deck used to have a piece of The Source and Chakana each against fast advance. I removed them entirely and settled for a higher virus count. But if I were to put them back in, I'd remove a Clone Chip and the two Gorman Drips.

In closing, this deck is a very fun to play and most of the time slows the corp because the loss of their essential cards. They'd start securing Archives or start digging for Jacksons. If that's the case then it only shows that I control the pace of the game. And we all know that doesn't bode well for the corp.


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