The Kit That Got The Cream (Now Even Creamier!)

Groovicron 32

Pretty obvious idea. Get out Refractor and some recurring stealth credits ASAP then hammer R&D. If it's not too taxing leave the first piece of ice in place but Spoon or Same Old Spoon any 2nd pieces to keep Kit's ability active.

And remember, "Code gates are creamy".

27 Feb 2015 Phoenix

Unfortunately Spooned only works the FIRST time you break a code gate, so it HAS to be the first piece of ice on the server which is trashed.

27 Feb 2015 Groovicron

Probably me mixing my terminology. By second I mean the second piece of ice installed which would make it the first piece encountered so Kit's ability would make it a lovely spoobable code gate. Unless of course they don't rez it in which case the already rezzed piece gets trashed and they only have one left anyway.... If that makes sense.

27 Feb 2015 p3t00h

You could use Overmind to break something if you need.