Endless study V1

CrusNB 8

A funny idea i was working on. Still in progress, but works surprisingly well.

21 Mar 2016 M0H4WK

I'm the weyland you played against. Tnx for posting the list! Why no technical writer? can give you money? Can you explain why the replicators? To search for the netchips, then aesops them for money? Seems like a cool, solid deck!

21 Mar 2016 CrusNB

Hi @Il_Falco, yes: replicator for carddraw, make your deck thin and spam netchips. Use the netchips for your rig and fodder for Endless Hunger.

Technical writer is a nice idea, maybe cut Sure Gamble for it.

21 Mar 2016 M0H4WK

I r3ally miss a film critic, and i aint no fan of harbinger. Maybe employee strike? Why femme instead of mongoose or mimic? Maybe fit in net chip 6? I really like the shell!

21 Mar 2016 CrusNB

Here is my better version of it:
