Classic BABW

thrazznos 479

Classic Weyland. Play fast.

7 Jun 2015 siahofmars

what do u do to kill hardware ? (taurus), (shattered remains) (lab dog) what do u have to kill the runners econ? (reversed accounts), so the sea source can be pulled off successfully? just a couple questions i always ask myself when building a potential kill situation. runners these days are Rich, in all factions now too.

7 Jun 2015 thrazznos

Play fast. The tempo hit of playing reactively (or proactively) to the corp supposedly slows the runner down so it allows you to score. This is not a control deck, it's a rush deck.

21 May 2016 CowboyTintin

Hey! So, after being demolished by you once, about a year ago, on OCTGN, I've never forgotten how well your rush deck worked.

I recently tried to make my own BABW rush deck work, and have done nothing but fall ineffably flat against the ice destruction of Dumblefork. (Two Hadrians and an Orion in one game, plus other 'littler' stuff is my record...)

Here's the link to the 'best' 100%-losing version of the deck I've been able to come up with... :

Am I just a horrible deck-builder? Player? Or is this idea (Weyland BABW Rush) just too out of date in the current meta to work? I mean... They GOT RID off my Hadrians...

Any tips would be greatly appreciated... If it ever worked out to play again online, too, that would also be greatly appreciated!

Anyway, thanks for your decisive win all that time ago... at least it's kept me tinkering with Weyland!

Bailey (TintinAstronomer on