The Menace to My Sanity V9

CowboyTintin 216

This basically started as a rush deck. Got into a discussion about whether or not a Weyland BABW could work in the current meta. I'll never forget playing a game on OCTGN once against a former regional winner... The guy was playing a BABW rush deck, and it was just ridiculous.

So I said I thought it could work, and set out to make my own workable rush deck.

This deck's got all the AI-hate you can pack as Weyland while still having room for a full Data Raven-Sea-Scorch package. The only thing I wish it also had was Snare!, but hey, you can't have it all when almost every meaningful card has to be imported to the faction.

The only problem is this: It doesn't work.

Now, it's not that I can't rez good ICE... I can. Easily. This deck generates a sick level of credits, VERY quickly...

It's that Dumblefork eats through everything, and leaves nothing on the table except their stupid Medium's and my R/D. :) 'Nuff said.

Honestly, I haven't even had a chance to play it against anything more 'traditional,' either... I suspect, though, that once Hayley gets her engine going, or Santiago gets his bank rolls flowing, it'd be over too.

I did play against a Tenma deck. Rushed to about 5 points, and then he just had enough money to access anywhere, and locked everything... A thing that happens all to often to me as Weyland.

24 May 2016 thrazznos

@CowboyTintin Heyman, linked over here from your comment on my deck. Don't feel bad, Supermodernism Rush Weyland really isn't primed for the best position in the current meta. That doesn't mean it can't work, but it has a pretty tough time against the strongest Anarch decks right now.

With that said, there are some serious Weyland tools that can give Anarchs a run for their money. Archer is probably one of the only Weyland ICE worth its salt vs Anarchs, even if they can D4v1d it the first time through. It sucks up the whole d4v1d, and if they want to faust it, it costs them 5 cards, which is pretty crazy. You are on point with the Data Raven includes, that is another super powerful card in BABW supermodernism rush, and Lizzy Mills too.

If you are really concerned about Deep Digs, I ALWAYS appreciate a few snares, its just so hard finding the influence, but they pull serious work and can win games esp vs Faust. There is another guy I know working on a Supermodernism style Weyland by the name of @Seamus, you might get some ideas from his decks. It might look like they aren't as rushy as most, but he will tell you that every destructive tool in the deck only works when leveraged with a fast game.

For the future, I do know that there is a new HB Transaction, Lateral Growth, coming out in the next pack that is gonna be great. Also, Weyland is getting a new code gate in the next cycle that is a 4 cost 5 str 3 sub sentry or code gate that tags the runner and does 1 net damage. This might possibly pair well enough with Shadow to allow you to drop Data Raven and find some influence for Snare again.

Don't worry, hopefully even if you lose, you at least made the runner scared for a while. The game is always changing, it takes a lot of work to keep decks like this alive, and often times it just comes down to the state of the games overall economy. Good luck out there!

26 May 2016 CowboyTintin

Thanks so much for responding! I really appreciate the tips.

I took a look at Seamus's Argus rush deck, and it looks pretty clever. I'm starting to get the idea of rushing in such a way that not only does the Corp move quickly, but it actively 'slows' down the runner at the same time. I'll definitely make some tweaks to my BABW deck (I just like that ID... I think I'll see if I can somehow get it to work, just for the fun of the challenge...) based off of Seamus's idead. I had thought about Casting Call before, but figured it would be too unpredictable; I've already slotted it into my deck now.

Good point about the new cards coming out, and yes, I've already got my eyes greedily reading and re-reading Mausolus... That's just about the most applicable new piece of Weyland ice I think I've seen in a long, long time...

Thanks again for the advice and encouragement. I'll keep on brute forcing through and see what comes of it. :)
