Shape of Runs to Come (east coats nats)

psi_sig 15

Just wanted to post me East Coast Nats list for posterity. East Coast Nats was my first Netrunner tournament and I had such an amazing time getting to play so many people. Feeling extremely energized to play a lot more netrunner.

This was my runner list that started as a Sabotage deck, really trying to get Avgustina to work, was just always too slow and needed you draw her pretty early to worth it, I went through like 10 or so variations, the deck at one point blowing up to 62 cards(bad) I put in Prognostic Q-Loop in an attempt to get more sabotage out, and it quickly became my new favorite card, when it clicked it felt great. After the last weekly meet-up before nats I thought that the sabotage wasnt getting enough value for its cost and that leaning into twinning for multi-access was a better plan Q-Loop letting get more power counters on it faster, and more hardware to pull value out of the keiko/poemu/qloop engine.

In practice it worked ok, the day of it did not. is this deck good? probably not, but I know Im still quite a bad runner and didnt play this deck as far as i think it could maybe go. I was able to get that one win I wanted from the deck, ending at 37/59 going 1-4-0, Time is about to be called, I am at 6 points, run hq no hit. There is a a stacked Botulus on the inner etr ice and a Tithonium that has boomerang hosted, any sub-routine firing would end the run. 2nd click run archives and and pray there was a Botulus(the only thing I could afford) in the top two cards. There was, run 3rd click reveal, install and steal the final agenda off the top of R&D

Excited to continue to improve and try to get a good Q-Loop Freedom deck functional in the next rotation