[Startup] MAMA, THERE GOES THAT MAN! (2nd Lib-Bar-ation CO)

stumpy_man 4

Went 2-2 with this deck in route to a second place finish at the Lib-Bar-ation CO. (Paired with 4-0 Padma)

This deck was my attempt to bring rongydoge's Cascadia-winning NEH list into Startup. Check that out here: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/75bcb508-3653-4556-82e2-856591130b5f/have-you-seen-this-man-1st-undefeated-cascadia-

You can get the core of the deck put together with the startup card pool, plus you get to add in Drago Ivanov, which seemed good.

I went down to 2 Wage Workers with the addition of Drago Ivanov in order to sneak in a Seamless Launch. Not sure that's correct or not because WW unlocks a lot for the deck, but Seamless enables some extra shenanigans as well.

The MAJOR downside is the agenda suite gets way worse than what you can run in standard. Like wayyyyy worse. So much so it probably hinders a lot of this deck's potential in startup.

That being said, you can still kill people a lot of different ways here, and most unprepared runners will just die. As people start teching for all the asset spam in TAI corps, this style of deck will likely fall off. Of my two losses on the day, one was to a Loup deck that could just keep up with trashing every asset, and the other was a tight game where I wasn't quite able to assemble a killing combo deep into the game with a tagged runner.

I think this archetype has some legs in startup, but I doubt this is the optimal version of it.

29 Aug 2023 Sarmatian

Doub Scrub for the Dub.