Neopostmodernal Dead Coats

gumonshoe 2987


  • Taxing Servers
  • Make some money
  • Tax the clicks in such a way that hard hitting news either opens scoring windows or clearing the tags is impossible


  • If the runner ends the run with a tag, then hard hitting news + something that can steal a click (Voting Machine Initiative) allows boom to stick the next turn
  • If the runner ends the run with not enough money, you win the trace and then they can't clear the tags and you boom
  • If the runner doesn't steal false lead, you hard hitting news and then force them to lose clicks and then boom

There' s a scoring plan, but it's not a great one without the threat of kill being there the whole time. The deck tries to force gear checks to force the draining of economy.

Overadvancing Vitruvius is a good move as it can pull back your kill. False lead & VMI are all kill components Sales team is just a 3rd campaign

Your ID will give you away, but hey, you've probably never pulled it out of your binder anyways so maybe your opponent hasn't either and won't connect the dots...

16 Dec 2016 mawa

Why not Sherlock 2.0 over Vikram 1.0 for that juicy tag fun?

18 Dec 2016 gumonshoe

The brain damage is sometimes relevant. Costing six makes it a viable early Rez if you need to. But Sherlock almost made it in the list.