Shoutout to Krams

Diogene 4186

Shout out to Krams for his experiment with

Thanks a lot for the comments of ValkyriezGaming, Pokerface and Krams on my previous iteration :

The econ is based on Citadel Sanctuary. There is 54 credits on Rogue Trading, Drip with Rezeki and Daily Cast, burst with Diversion of Fund and Sure Gamble and, to create quite a surprise : you can have Security Nexus (the most expensive hardware in the game) for free, using Credit Kiting. Use it also to install Engolo, letting you in both case gain a lot (for Az, 7 cred and 5 cred respectively).

Once Security Nexus is on the board, running anywhere is possible for quite cheap. To add to this, you have Engolo, Aumakua and Boomerang.

Synergizing with Aumakua and letting you not run for nothing is Drive By. This give you a fighting chance against trap deck.

For draw, there is The Class Act, which cost 3 creds for Az. Also, don't be afraid to install Sports Hopper to pop it after for 3 cards. Drawing is a bit the weak point and you need that Security Nexus on the board ASAP.

If you have Citadel Sanctuary in your hand, keep it. It will allow you not to search for it, when you get Rogue Trading and Credit Kiting.

Multiaccess is Turning Wheel and HQ Interface (the later cost you 3 cred).

This is not a rush deck, but because of Credit Kiting, it is much faster, since Security Nexus will NOT cost you 7 creds (normally a major hit).

20 Nov 2020 Krams

@Diogene I love it! :D

Any particular reason to choose Drive By over Falsified Credentials?

And did you do some matches with this where the Corp played many pieces of ICE and built layers of 3 or more? How well does this deck handle that? Just curious :)
You said it's not a rush deck so I thought the game might go long enough for the Corp to go full glacier mode.

20 Nov 2020 Diogene

I think Drive By save me more cred than the possible gain of Falsified Credentials. If it is an asset, no making the run saves me the creds of that run. It will also put a token on Aumakua. On top of this, it act as an possible early aggression tools (especially good with Jinteki RP) and saves me from running into a trap. The real price for it is an extra click. Drive By also give an answers for that unrezzed Bio Vault.

Falsified Credential will put a token, cost you 1 cred and possibly (about 50%) give you 5 creds, netting you the equivalent of Sure Gamble. It is good, but I feel Drive By give me more. Especially in a deck that is not super fast.

I did run into semi Glacier deck, who used 3 or 4 ices on a remote or a central. Engolo is very good for this. Aumakua will let you pass the rest. Now, on a virus hating corp (using the Cyberdex trick), it can be troublesome if they have strong ices. But with Diversion of Funds, it is difficult for the corp to rez all their strong ices. Finally, Boomerang really help here. Bypass the strongest ice, use Boomerang on the unknown ice, Engolo for the rest. Even without Aumakua, it will pass 3 ices without a hitch. Aumakua let me pass cheap ice easier. Many glacier go for taxing rather than strong ices (a good compromise). They will be running Turnpike and other low strenght ices, letting Aumakua work with only 2 tokens.

I found drawing to be the main issue. Az promote using installable cards, which is click inefficient. And while Diversion of Funds and Drive By are good, they both use 2 clicks to play. Rogue Trading is like "clicking for 3", which is amazing, but it eats up your turn a lot. This is why I recommend popping a Sports Hopper in the early game. Getting the combo cards (Citadel, Rogue) on the board early is everything.

Once Citadel is on the board, it is fairly straightforward. But rush corp deck are still difficult (as always). Possibly, I might change the HQ Interface for No One Home, to have some tag protection. In my experiment, HQI did not do much. And an HHN will throw my tempo big time.

20 Nov 2020 Krams

Thanks for your detailed answer.

20 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Krams And thank you for your questions. It makes me question the interactions between cards, it is quite interesting.

Recently, I chatted with another player, who really hated Security Nexus. The player was basically saying that any deck with it is slow and could not be competitive. I (obviously) disagree. But outside of Credit Kiting, I could see the point. In my Sunny deck, I was using Peace in Our Time to compensate for the tempo hit. But I think the pressure it provide is really good (which is why it is fairly priced at 8 credits).

Still, this variant is a lot of fun. Bringing back Credit Kiting, a card for which I could not fathom the use, is nice. If I was not running Az, but 419, I would change the Class Act for Earthrise Hotel. This would lead to more draw. Currently, Az ability is worth around 13 creds, which count for quite a bit. If only there was a way to tutor Citadel Sanctuary...