That's a Diggin'

hi_impact 1733

Experimenting with Immolation Script and Gravedigger.

Included Turntable both to test, and because in this given case I think it may actually be worth a slot. Edward, Whizzard, and Quetzal have no clear console choice, and not every deck can afford to splash Desperado. I think Turntable will provide plenty annoyance to a lot of top Corps at the moment, and it seems worth trying.

Dropped Medium in lieu of Account Siphon spam via Deja Vu and Gravedigger shenanigans.

28 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Same Old Thing might be better than Déjà Vu if you are planning on using it only on Account Siphon. It's two extra but doesn't take up hand space and doesn't use your . You also lose the ability to pull two Parasites out at once but I can't see that happening often, and it telegraphs somewhat. Bears thinking about at least.