Install Install Install (repeat) (6th London District)

Mirror_Mirror 14

How to play (that never actually happens):

Step 1: Have a full hand, and preferably a Rashida Jaheem or Spin Doctor.

Step 2: Install, Install, Install.

Step 3a: Repeat step 2 until you run out of things to install or get to keep a False Lead or House of Knives.

Step 3b: Rez just enough stuff to keep your money healthy enough to score, but not so rich you can't dip down under the Bladderwort threshold.

Step 4: Get a critical mass of damage assets and agendas for a flatline with the help of Bring Them Home and False Lead to deny recovery draw.

What actually happens:

Your board gets trashed because everyone is rich, your hand gets trashed with Eye for an Eye, RnD gets Cataloged, you get Diversion of Funded, you scrabble around to find a way out. Sometimes you find yourself trying to score Fujiis, or baiting them into an agenda steal flatline, or sniping out key cards with incidental damage and accidentally becoming grinder.

Sometimes you also just bleed out a few points at a time and look like an idiot, but that's netrunner.

Thanks to Testrunning for the original deck, and everyone else who iterated on it since.

Thank you to everyone at London Regionals for an incredible event, but especially King Solomon for talking me out of some serious imposter syndrome before the cut.

Thank you to everyone who plays at Reading or comes to events there. I promise you won't have to play into this for much longer.

12 Feb 2025 DungeonMxter

you forgot the secret Step 2b: Install, Install, Install, (wage workers click), Install Honestly, your version of PE is my favourite one to regularly run into my own death with.