Pandora's BOX-E v0.4

PaxCecilia 293

Changed around Same Old Thing + Legwork for +1 Procon, +1 HQI, and +1 Maker's Eye. Still a very effective deck, enjoying a considerable win rate. Will update to v1.0 if I ever enjoy significant standings in a tournament.

22 Oct 2014 skydivingninja

I've always liked the idea of a Chaos Theory Overmind deck. How's Creeper working out for you? Is it really necessary or is Swordsman really a huge problem in your meta?

22 Oct 2014 PaxCecilia

Creeper is a dead draw unless your opponent is in fact running Swordsman. I've considered replacing it with Pipeline. Even though it costs about as much to break, it costs less to install initially, and if the corp only has the one copy then they're likely to install over it once Pipeline hits the table. Swordsman is not a huge issue in my local meta, but for the deck to be completely stopped by a 1 influence piece of Ice would just... suck. Bad.

Another consideration is Komainu and Tsurugi. These absolutely eat up your capital, whether that be Overmind tokens, or credits. I expect the amount of Jinteki ice I see locally may change with the release of Blue Sun this week.

22 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

Have you considered upping the econ and using toolbox instead? The recurring credits are amazing, and the link would allow you to run 1 zu and 1 creeper in the cloud, giving you the option of breaking small stuff to save overmind counters, and not counting against MU for overmind installs.

22 Oct 2014 PaxCecilia

This might sound totally bonkers, but I rarely find myself in situations where I need to save overmind counters. With the draw power, maximum hand size increase, recursion and MU this deck has, I don't mind draining an Overmind. In fact, sometimes I use them all up intentionally because I've got 9 cards in hand, and I can Modded out an Overmind for 1 to replace this new one, or I can Scavenge the one already in play to refresh the counters. It saves you using up precious credits on e3 Feedback Implants to pump strength. Believe it or not, the absolute hardest Ice to deal with is 4 strength, since its out of cheap-as-free range from D4v1d. I've almost considered splashing Atman just to deal with Lotus Field, Eli 1.0, and Ichi 1.0...

I could try a version with The Toolbox, but I imagine it would be a total rework. If it were to turn out for the better, then that would be awesome, but I'm not experiences the issues that you described that might warrant the change.