Argus with 6 pointer

Bamser 1

26 Feb 2015 vesper

Looks like a nice deck, due to the actual possibility of scoring a Government Takeover against a hapless Runner. How does it perform?

26 Feb 2015 Bamser

Ehh so far more of a fun deck than competitive. It does much better when the runner does not score the 6 pointer off the top of R&D. I do like how willing I am to let them steal any other agenda and it makes for an interesting play style. Honestly though I'm considering cutting the DRT as it rarely fires. Might be better as another economy card.

I have scored the Takeover with Psychographics which is basically the reason to play the deck haha.

26 Feb 2015 vesper

Maybe using Glenn Station to host the Government Takeover would help? DRT seems a bit useless, indeed. Perhaps 3 copies of Restructure would be better.