1st Weyland (Vic)

victorsagara 2

15 Nov 2016 Mechanoise

Respectable enough for a core-set only Weyland deck. A few choice selections for your to mull over:

-Chum is a nice include, although it's positional ice and doesn't see that much play it can deter Runners that just want to face-check everything; I'd keep them in.

- Matrix Analyzer won't do a great deal for you mid game. Consider ICE that's going to tax the Runner each time they pass, and isn't good if it's let to fire. I'd recommend Ichi 1.0 for this slot, even consider 2-off if you can spare the influence.

- Ghost Branch is nice, but not reliable in tagging the Runner. Once the Runner understands your play they'll typically run, access Ghost Branch, trash the card then remove the tags. Swap these for a SEA Source, it works better with your Scorched Earth combo as Weyland are pretty good at getting the money advantage.

- SanSan City Grid will not do much here either. 2 of your agendas can be scored from hand as it is, and the others cannot be fast-advanced, so they'd have to stay on the board for a turn anyway. If you're after tempo leverage, consider using Aggressive Secretary instead to bait the Runner for a more impactful trap if you can land it; a Runner cannot get in without its breakers.

You want to be playing the money game, putting pressure on them to act while you're scoring agendas and getting money, then wait until they have taxed themselves and are unable to match the Sea Source trace, which would be followed by Scorch. If the Runner has tag avoidance, a surprise Aggressive Secretary could tip the balance in your favour if you're out of options against a rich Runner with all their breakers out.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

15 Nov 2016 victorsagara

Thank you. I will look into the cards and tips you gave me. I play for less than 3 weeks. My GF and I are already trying to test different builds and this worked quite well. We only have the core set and agendas seems to be a big problem. We'll try to get so more cards. Problably deluxe expansions since we don't plan to play competitively.