Very regular PD – 5-1 @NANPC Montreal August 2024

m31345 129

Basically NPED with a change in the agenda suite.

This deck wants to be able to score Ikawah to win, using @Diogene suggestion I replaced the 2 ADT for an Ikawah + Hyperloop. This allows for more consistancy in getting Ikawah, and Hyperloop doesn't change the number of agendas needed for the runner to win. The issue with this is that I often struggled with my economy and had to fly really low without ADT. I would maybe switch one copy of Bran for a cheaper ice.

R2 win vs Zahya. Very flooded game, was barely able to ice HQ to prevent Diversion of funds. I was lucky I made this one out.

R4 win vs 419. It was a rough matchup. The lack of economy in this deck forced me to play very slow against 419, and the fact that the game is timed does not help. Mavirus saved my life against Aumakua.

R6 win vs Arissana. Like R2, I started pretty flooded against a world tree Ari. I had to play it slow to ice all my centrals and deny WT value. I was able to score some agendas afterwards, but the runner put a lot of pressure on R&D with Conduit. Accessing Ikawah last click, manual purge and Mavirus allowed me to finaly score out without losing.

R7 win vs Hoshiko. I think it's my only game that ended on time with a tiebreaker. I kept HQ pretty clean pushing in the remote, and Hosh couldn't find Stargate and was forced to run HQ for singles. Late game Ablative was really nice to bring back manegarm and help me not to lose.

Top Cut 2 win vs Kit. I think I was extremely disfavored in this matchup. My ice cost a lot and Orca + Lobisomem break them for pennies. My only outs are using Manegarm + Anoetic Void. I played it really really fast to force them to get all breakers really soon and I was lucky enough to be able to win on that. If their first Spark of Inspiration didn't hit the one in three Orca in the first turn, I would probably have lost the game.

Top Cut 3 loss vs 419. Don't remember much about this one except that my mavirus did not want to show up against Aumakua.