No-Run Noise - 3rd Place Raleigh Store Championships

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CrushU 193

Took this deck to Game Theory Store Championships in 2015. It wasn't quite the exact deck, because I had -1 Chakana -1 The Source and +2 Clone Chip at the actual event. I changed them afterwards relatively quickly.

This Noise deck never runs. Because Running lets them SEA Source you, Power Shutdown you, Midseasons you, and all sorts of unpleasantness. Instead, I just click twice to put counters from Virus Breeding Ground to Hivemind, then two more clicks to use counters from Hivemind for Gravedigger's ability. Corp now has less than 10 turns to win. (2 Mill + 1 Draw + Virus installs before then.)

Some corps get uppity and score their agendas before you can establish this mill, I'm looking at you NEH. So, I have Chakana and The Source to make them slow down and spend a bit more money. Most Corps are real conservative, not sure what I'm trying to do, so they waste some time ICE'ing their servers. The only server I run on is a rezzed SanSan, and I Imp it real fast.

Note that this only worked about 3 times out of 7 on the day. (I played against the same NEH player three times and lost three times; See First Paragraph for changes made due to this.) I beat an RP deck, and lost to a PE deck that managed to get to match point and forced me to run on anything they installed because of it.

18 May 2015 TheBizarreBioroid

I have to say - purely in the interest of maintaining netrunner's interactivity - that I'd glad this doesn't work too often (and hopefully won't even with source/chakana).

Really cool deck idea though. Congrats on the strong finish :)

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