The CI 7-point-turn Vanity Project (D&D version)

ycombinator 795

A New CI, 7 Points-in-a-turn Combo. Wheeeee!

See the previous version of the deck, for combos with 3 SfSS. This deck only includes two so that we can fit the 3rd PS, and two GFI. Please see the previous version (see attribution) for a complete description of generally how to play it.

Why is this version interesting?

  1. Combo-influence-light. It only requires two SfSS, and the PSs for the combo. No SFKayuga, or the third SfSS.
  2. Runner win conditions. The runner must steal at least three agendas. You must score only two, hopefully on a single turn. -3 Vitruvius, +1 Hades Shard, +1 Priority Requisition increase the chance of the runner only needing to score 2, but also decrease agenda density (from 1/7 to 1/8). This version is more flexible, however, and enables Biotic-ing out Vitruvius.
  3. Improvements over the previous version. Having the flexibility to PS, Biotic, Archived to tutor for missing pieces was a capability I lacked (because I has missed it) in the previous version.
  4. Expensive. Variants get expensive quick as you might replace a SfSS with a Biotic (+4 s)

Why is this combo "worse" than the previous, 3x SfSS version?

  1. If you want to only use two Jackson/AD, then it is more expensive (replacing a SfSS with a Biotic).
  2. Higher agenda density (1/7 vs. 1/8).
  3. You need a Vanity Project in hand to start the combo.

Combo I

Hand requirements:

  • 2x Jackson
  • PS
  • AD
  • Biotic
  • VP
  • SfMM

The sequence:

  1. Biotic (up to 4 s).
  2. SfMM -> Jackson, Jackson, 6/4
  3. PS
  4. AD -> SfSS, RO (AD), Biotic (up to 6 s)
  5. AD -> SfSS, SfSS, Interns (jackson)
  6. AD -> Interns (5/3), SfSS, SfSS
  7. Advance

15 s.

This combo is less flexible as the first AD must include a SfSS. In the previous version, it could include the Interns/SfMM, so the second Jackson wasn't strictly required.

As before, slots in the ADs can be freed under the following conditions:

  • 3x Biotics in hand, and 4 extra credits -> +1 AD slot as Biotic slot not necessary
  • 3x AD in hand -> +1 AD slot as RO is unnecessary
  • All cards to install in hand (3x Jackson, VP, GFI, and optionally CVS) -> +1 AD slot as the second install slot (e.g. the interns for 5/3) is unnecessary assuming a SfMM for the first AD install slot (e.g. the interns for jackson changes to a SfMM).

If you do not have SfMM in hand, then we simply have the following sequence:

  1. Biotic (up to 4 s).
  2. Install Jackson
  3. PS
  4. AD -> SfMM -> (Jackson, 6/4, 5/3), RO (AD), Biotic (up to 6 s)
  5. AD -> SfSS, SfSS, Interns (jackson)
  6. AD -> Biotic (up to 6 s), SfSS, SfSS
  7. Advance
  8. Advance
  9. Advance

We are essentially identical to the previous composition's AD structure, and we just replaced a SfSS with a Biotic. This ends up costing 6 s more, unfortunately (for a total of 21 d)! Ouch. We'll, there's a reason we have the Restructures, I guess.

Combo II with 2 Jackson/AD, Version 2

Hand requirements:

  • 2x AD
  • 2x Biotic
  • PS
  • Jackson
  • Any two of VP, GFI, and Jackson
  • SfMM

The sequence:

  1. Biotic (up to 4 s)
  2. Biotic (up to 5 s)
  3. SfMM -> Jackson and any two of (VP, GFI, Jackson)
  4. AD -> SfSS, SfSS, Interns (missing install from 3.) or SfMM -> missing install and CVS
  5. AD -> SfSS, SfSS, Biotic (up to 7 s)
  6. Advance
  7. Advance
  8. Advance

18 s...a significant increase from 12 in the previous composition with 3x SfSS.

20 Aug 2015 kookoobah

In "Combo 1", you can still combo out with different cards, the 2nd Jackson, or the Vanity Project can be replaced with GFI. You switch out the SfSS in the 1st AD with the Interns (which ever is missing out of the 3 -- Jackson, GFI, Vanity) in the 3rd AD. It makes the combo more flexible, but if you replace either of them with a GFI, you can't combo out against Leela. Still, it gives you other options against other runners.

20 Aug 2015 ycombinator

There are only two SfSS, so you can't have 3 in the 3rd AD. You can do what you say, but you have to use a Biotic + 2 advance, taking the cost up by 6 s (see the second part of the discussion of Combo I).

This deck attempts to minimize the combo pieces that require influence so that we can fit in both VP and GFIs. See the previous iteration of the deck for a version with 3x SfSS where what you say is true.