Faster Fighter - 3rd Place Atlanta Regional

vampire0 250

This deck is an evolution of my "Ready, fight!" Leela deck I used in two SC (2nd and 1st place). Coming out of the SCs, if already identified that the PPvP economy was bursty fun but ultimately not as powerful in a deck without Levy, and that the deck was very taxed by RP.

Removing PPvP meant that Lucky Find and Dirty Laundry both lost value and thus got cut, opening 8 total deck slots and 4 influence. I back filled the slots with Econ (Dail Casts & Symetric Visage), duplicates of core cards (most Siphon), and still had some deck slots and influence.

Planning for RP prompted the other changes - against RP, multiple accesses would be harder, so Indexing became 2 The Maker's Eye and Mimic became Faerie. Faerie would not hold up over multiple runs, but I'm packing Femme for the main breaking.

That was also related to my other goal - this deck seldom needs a full breaker suite, but it does need to threaten fast or a single ice can lock you out and stop your game plan. To that end I added more Sentry breakers and got a second Barrier breaker - Morningstar.

Morningstar is not fast, but my deck often builds 20-30 credits in the first few turns waiting for the opponent to mess up, and being able to leverage that into cheap accesses is huge. Looking at the meta, it's strong against NEXT Silver, Ashigaru, Eli, and Markus. Against them it takes a 3-4 credit per run tax to 1 compared to Corroder and that is huge. I figured RP would be packing 1-2 of those (or other Barriers) trying to tax decks relying on Mimic, and it also hurts HB decks that aren't packing Hiemdall level defenses.

On the day it worked out well - the new Econ worked well and Morningstar proved its worth vs HB and RP. Ended up 6-1 for the day (not counting the Bye), loosing only to Astrotrain when it was up 5-6. Trash the Business Shows kids.

Also, don't under estimate the Paper Tripping. It cleared 20 tags over the course of the day, bring its total tournament tag kill record to 33 for this deck.

12 May 2015 krystman

Fascinating. You said it didn't need a full suite. What was your plan against Grail RP?

12 May 2015 vampire0

Usually don't need a full suite, haha. Specifically for Grail I'd look at just getting a Femme (pref on a Merlin) and Passport out, and then maybe Morningstar if they had gotten a Galahad rezzed. The thing is win this deck, if they get more than 4-5 ice rezzed, you've been to aggressive when you weren't leveraging your abilities. The Sneakdoor and Keyhole are there to leverage openings - if the issue is making openings, get your rig built and rely on the run events to carry you.

12 May 2015 Jamieson

Always loved the Morning Star include in decks. Well played on that deck slot choice.

12 May 2015 DJINNandJUICE

with all the 2mu programs, does memory become a problem?

12 May 2015 vampire0

@DJINNandJUICE - not really. Sneakdoor is used to open up HQ if they get deep on ice and I need to get some agendas to pop ice back to hand, so once they close Archives it's generally not installed or overwritten. Keyhole is meant to exploit a naked RD (either early or if they score at the end of the turn and let me bounce + Logos), so once R&D has more than 1 ice it usually goes too. Preference is to Corroder unless you think they are strong on Barriers, and only then do you get Morningstar.

The important thing to remember with this deck is that having a whole rig is generally useless - if your running on undressed ice, your letting them rez stuff and making it so you can't bounce it any more. You should only get into that if think you can force them broke by rezzing the wrong stuff or your so far behind that you need to start scoring or loose.

The way I pilot this deck is to mulligan to and drop Logos ASAP, then largely sit back and money up, keeping my hand full and dropping a single breaker ever other turn or so. Your opponent will either commit to icing up heavily which gives you time to build and get a hand full of nastiness or they attempt to rush out and then you bounce and search for the best way to exploit the bounce. A common play is for them to score, bounce an HQ ice, search for The Maker's Eye or Legwork, drop a Siphon to break thirst cash then lay in the Legwork, hopefully bouncing something from R&D before dropping the Maker's. SoT works wonders here too - drop them while building and on your turn you can hit whatever event you searched for with Logos twice and still have a click to hit another sever looking to keep the window open.

14 May 2015 iloveMRT

Played this deck today vs quality players. Did wonders. However I will try to cut Deja (even it was great in those matches) to put Mimic in as 4 for Architect is a lot even with all that econ. Maybe Switchblade would help but support for it would change deck a lot.

14 May 2015 vampire0

@iloveMRT glad you liked it! The change to get Mimic is fair enough - you may prefer my older version - it had Mimic and no Faeries. I agree on Switchblade - v3 was actually trying to make it work but I had pull Daily & Symetric for Silencers and some tricks for Ghost Runners.

Link what you make so I can check out how it goes :)

14 May 2015 vampire0

@iloveMRT I had the Deja Vu for program recursion - never played it during the last tournament. You may be able to drop it with the additional breakers - when I was running one-of-each some recursion was critical.

14 May 2015 iloveMRT

I am brain storming this deck as I am really hyped about it. What is more Leela is ignored by top players in Poland and most of us are unfamiliar with the tricks she can pull off. I gonna take this deck to next regionals we have and gonna aim for top4 this time ;)

During today games I used Deja to take back Shotdowned Corroder and Paper Tripping to remove 14 tags. Morning Star was awesome vs. HB however I gonna try to fit in Switchblade or take Breach which ain't that bad vs. Next ice and Blue Sun's centrals. Rest influence for Mimic and other cookies. Gonna link you my thoughts later on after I spare some time to work on deck.

14 May 2015 iloveMRT

@vampire0 This is what I came up with and gonna play test it in next days. -1 SoT- with Deja 3 seems to much for me -1 Morning Star- to free influence and MU -1 Planned Assault- nice splash but have seen it always too late -1 Armitage- it is grate economy but click intensive +1 Mimic- you can find Architect everywhere in my meta +1 Breach- as buck up vs Next ice and vs. Blue Sun's centrals to reduce tax +1 Stimhack- as I like to kill myself from time to time +1 Lucky Find- to compensate lost Armitage.

However during my testing games I thought few times "God I wish I had Vamp in it". I will try with Lucky Find and Vamp to figure out what suits better. If Vamp -1 Siphon, -1 Lucky, +1 Planned, +1 Armitage seems reasonable.

Will see how it works.

14 May 2015 iloveMRT

@vampire0 forgot the link