
SyntaxLost 144

Faust + Desperado + John Masanori is incredibly good. I've messed around with Whizzard and Val with Net-Ready Eyes and found the builds to be a little clunky in terms of breakers. Faust greatly simplifies the situation and allows you to get in easily when you need to. Otherwise you can rely on Parasite recursion to keep any server from getting too taxing.

Mimic is there to break Architect.

Corroder and D4v1d gets you through Wraparound.

Also note that if you need a program installed from hand and you have Faust and a Clone Chip installed, e.g. you hit a Wraparound and your Corroder is in hand, you can pump Faust by pitching the Corroder and then Clone Chip it into play before breaking the Wraparound with either a card or a credit.

I've Had Worse is a bit of an odd card out (I prefer the singleton Plascrete Carapace for the Butchershop matchup, but I'm actually at a loss as to what else to use for the slot.

Otherwise the deck works quite well though it's a little on the slow side in the early game.


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