Al grano (Current)

Cristoflanga 65

Siguiendo una idea de Lautaro, escribí este pequeño artículo cuyo principal objetivo es convencer a otros de que hagan lo mismo con sus propios mazos. Como la estructura del torneo en equipos (que se stremea o graba) trata de incentivar el cambio de mazos entre partida y partida, la sugerencia de que publicáramos las listas como una forma de generar información sobre el formato current me parece bien buena.

No soy un jugador ingenioso. Piloteo mal mazos que dependen de la sorpresa o de intentar que el runner se equivoque y caiga en trampas o se sobregire. Este mazo expresa muy bien mi estilo de juego trasladado a Current. Al grano: sin adornos ni pesos innecesarios. Puede jugar a Fast-Advance o a taxear. Depende más que nada del jugador y del corazón de las cartas, por lo que no hace tanta diferencia que tu oponente conozca la lista. Es el HB del Core: nada más.

Creo que este mazo está bien posicionado en el formato, sobre todo considerando la relativa debilidad de las estrategias del lado de la Corp.

Bueno, estas son mis impresiones. Ojalá todos se sumen para que nos vayamos haciendo un mapa del formato Current!

5 Apr 2017 gammanet

I'm sorry, this is going to be in English, but why Advanced Concept Hopper over Project Vitruvius? Hopped does give you some nice draw power, but Vitruvius is much easier to Fast Advance, and also great to Over Advance with Jeeves Model Bioroids

also why 5 floating influence and no Architect?

5 Apr 2017 Cristoflanga

@gammanet Hello! Let me explain. In the Chilean meta we got a little bit tired of the current state of the game. We found it fairly degenerate and got tired of people refusing to get into the game because of the huge cost (due to conversion and import rates the cost here is roughly twice the cost compared to the US, with per capita GDP being around 1/4). So we decided to do something about it.

Hence, the Current format was born. We basically accelerated rotation. We tried to keep just 2 cycles active (Flashpoint and what is out of Red Sands) but found it a little too restrictive, so we enhanced it to 3 (2 whole cycles and the one that's being released). We've had great fun! We think runner is advantaged (mainly because of Aaron and Temüjin) but quick rotation will ensure that these cards don't remain dominant for too long. Regarding influence, we're considering creating a special MWL for the format, because obviously card power is not going to be equivalent to what we now call the Standard format (entire cardpool with 8 cycle rotation). However, we're a small community, and we're not even confident that we can discover the most powerful, consistent archetypes in the format. That's why I left some influence leftover, in case some of the cards here suddenly cost more.

We started off Current testing with a Team Tournament which we are streaming. First round is here: (sadly, commentary is in Spanish).

I hope that clears things up a little bit.