Patchwork Val (Leaked MWL Compliant)

CritHitd20 7269

Three weeks from now I will be at Magnum Opus 2018, playing something. It might be this deck.

I threw this together as a testing partner to my familiar Aesops Hayley, but it's been performing a lot better than expected. It's obviously more geared for an assumed Jinteki glacier meta with the supplemental programs,, Ret Run, and Ice Carver. The obvious departure from past Vals is 3x Patchwork, which is a phenomenal card and I believe worth forfeiting the advantages of Turntable (I could well be wrong). My logic is that the best way to beat glacier is to win before they swing ahead, and Patchwork provides a powerful and passive boost to your economy to the point that you can stay ahead longer. So far my games have indicated that my theory is correct and Patchwork is sweet.

Lots of stuff to adjust over time, but my favorite elements of the deck include a fantastic chance of hitting one program with Inject and the FTE, which is expensive but stealing 3 agendas from bullshit only 5/3 decks is more expensive, and several solid game plans against Surveyor.

If you're interested in discussing elements of Worlds with me, please feel free to contact me at Slack. I'm actually having a lot of trouble finding a corp that I like and would enjoy getting to discuss the consequences of the upcoming MWL. Tournaments are most fun when everyone likes what they're playing so hopefully this list helps you at all.

20 Aug 2018 5N00P1

Thanks for posting your thoughts! Highly appreciated.
I like your thought about Patchwork it's a Bloo Moose when you can spare the cards and with the Bin Breakers it's incredible and can act like a kind of Shaper Bullshit even with Breakers in hand. So it's in my thoughts too but I haven't tested it yet.
Most value will be in Levy AR Lab Access decks as they can afford the use every turn, so I think MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock is also a hot candidate.
Will use your list for testing!

20 Aug 2018 CritHitd20

I was testing a Levy Patchwork MaxX back when R&R first dropped and it definitely makes a lot of money over a game. The problem I have with Patchwork MaxX at Worlds is that you have given up both Employee Strike and Turntable, which leaves you extremely vulnerable to the "rush a Nisei Mk 2" plan. Given how good Jinteki glacier looks I'm very concerned about the matchup against Aginfusion or Mti, even with access to D4.

Patchwork Val at least has Employee Strike. I've cut a Career Fair for the third Estrike as you really don't need them with Patchwork around.