Off The Solar Grid v2.0

BTrain 2971

This version drops Oversight AI, and takes a critical look at Amazon Industrial Zone, both of which function as pseudo-economy engines. Strong consideration needs to be given to the fact that Amazon + Blue Sun's ability = 1 Beanstalk Royalties with an entry barrier equal to the cost of the piece of ice, which in this deck could be as high as 14 credits. The draw though for AIZ is that, if left alone, it functions as this deck's version of the "infinite Adonis" that many Blue Sun decks are trying to pull off (cute, but not worth the influence/ice protection; Weyland has been doing just fine without Adonis Campaign up until this point). It's true that Amazon, even while protected by Off The Grid, won't yield as much money as quickly. At a rez of 4, and a net of 3 from Blue Sun, it wouldn't be until the third piece of ice you return that you get profit greater than the one-click pop of a Beanstalk. So why include it?

Tempo. For the first time, Weyland has the pieces to establish a longer form of tempo and set the pace of the game. Whereas before, tempo in most Weyland match-ups was dictated by how quickly the runner hit a Snare, or how many juicy programs they had out when they face-checked that Archer, this deck can force the runner over multiple turns into a series of lose-lose situations. Crisium Grid is the key to making this happen. In order to trash off the grid, the runner must first make a run on HQ (which you can load with taxing/tagging ice), trash Crisium, and then make another successful run back through. With two Data Ravens over HQ, the runner has to end the turn with a tag providing they don't have an NACH on the table. And an early Data Raven over an Amazon Industrial Zone will force the runner to deal with both the trash and the tag, or risk letting you have what has become the new version of Weyland drip econ.

I don't know yet whether it's wrong to leave out Oversight AI here because it is a bunch of free money (especially in the version of this deck that used to run Janus), but I'm trying this tax and tag variant for now and seeing what happens. I'd love feedback!!

8 Sep 2014 LynxMegaCorp

This is like a work of classical art. Its beautiful. I'd pay millions to have this sit in my home.

As someone who's been trying to make Off the Grid work flawlessly, I can appreciate this setup. Will be trying it myself ASAP.

I originally saw Oversight and tossed it on here to do things like:

Turn 1: Install god ice (Janus, Wotan or Curtain Wall) on remote, Install Agenda to be scored, Oversight said Ice.

Turn 2: Return god ice to HQ, get lots of money, score Agenda.

But Crisium definitely deserves a chance with OtG to create nasty situations.

Regardless, I can't wait til Blue Sun shows up!

8 Sep 2014 LynxMegaCorp

Here's the link if you're interested. Its from way before the new Weyland/Anarch pack was leaked, but I think its great as is.

8 Sep 2014 StitchInTime

I really like where you're going with the Crisium Grid/Off the Grid combo. I think there is a lot of potential there, and could well become a staple play for Weyland in the future. However, I don't like how you seem to be very much still in a 'Supermoderism' mindset in some of your other choices. I don't think Snare, and thus False Lead in turn, are good choices in a deck like this.

You might be better off instead focusing on making use of taxing and painful Ice. Data Raven is certainly a step in the right direction, as it threatens the Scorch and can throw a serious wrench into runner tempo. That being said, actually landing Scorch probably shouldn't be the focus of this deck. What if you instead included The Root, and took Amazon up to 3x. Eli would be a wonderful candidate for 3x, after freeing up influence from those Snares. A third Jackson would be oh so nice, as well!. I'd probably even ditch the Enigma for two more Datapike, and perhaps even one of the Curtain Walls for a third Caduceus.

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

I like the idea have you thought about protecting your amazon with traps instead of off the grid it'll take less setting up something like Psychic field for only 1 influence seems like it could be a good way to protect it, maybe not be idea but defiantly discouraging.