Spark Kit - Adelaide C/O win

NyXy 16

I don't think this is the best version of the Spark/Lobi/Cataloguer/Orca Kit deck but it's still fun to play. Inversificator is often helpful in Kit decks, but it mostly just slowed down getting the Lobi out.

All of my games were close and felt like they were within grasp but I only managed one win. ironically the win came from the one game i had no business winning. with no answer to assets i was toast against Gloompunk's deathtrap, save for a single Maker’s Eye. so many emotions in one run; from relief at avoiding complete embarrassment, to hopeful for a close game, to disbelief. my heart sank for them to have the win snatched away in such an unlucky way, while also simultaneously elated at the possibility of solid final position.

That win secured the top position on the day and I'm grateful for the luck, the fun games, and the theatrical retellings of the story in our future. see you on thursday nights!

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26 Aug 2024 jesse99

With Kit leading the charge, this deck is all about adaptability and strategy. I love how she can turn the tide of the Slope Game with just a few well-placed moves.