1-Core-Set NBN Taxing FastAdvance (errata hack)

XandoX 2

NOTE: After errata from FAQ 3.1, it is no longer possible to create a legal NBN deck with only a single core set. To make this deck work with a single core set, you can ignore the errata and make the following modifications:

-2 Breaking News

+1 AstroScript Pilot Program

+1 PAD Campaign

A deck for new players who own only a single core set.

The main strategy points are

  1. Ideally, win by scoring 3 agendas from your hand.
  2. Tax the runner or gain advantage from his/her runs (tags, net damage, etc).


Make the runner swim in tags by placing Data Raven, Matrix Analyzer and Shadow in front of R&D and HQ.

The decks' weakest spot is its ability to END THE RUN. Only Tollbooth is a heavyweight (which should be used on your scoring remote when you draw it). You need to create an early scoring remote with cheap end-the-run ICE and score out an agenda before the runner is set up.

The main scoring plan is scoring agendas directly from your hand using the abilities of Biotic Labor, AstroScript Pilot Program, SanSan City Grid and Psychographics.

If you need to score an agenda in a remote server, create your window of opportunity. The runner will be poor if he chooses to keep himself free of tags.

If the runner ignores your tags (or Data Raven), Closed Accounts and Psychographics are here for you.