Yellow Evangelists

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jalube 83

Going door-to-door to bring you the good news...

7:00am, Ji Reilly's apartment

[knock, knock]

-Good morning young sir! Have you accepted Jackson Howard into your heart as your personal Lord and saviour?

-Go fuck yourself

This is a Door-to-Door/Aryabhata deck. Playing this in Sol has a couple of advantages: we can keep our currents in play for most of the game, and we don't need to hold them in hand in case of the runner scoring. Also, News Hound.

Our general plan is to get Targeted Marketing down as early as possible, an Aryabhata behind one ICE, a transmission dish on the board, and build a remote for Sansan. Be sure to carefully consider where to place your popups, as we do want this money. That said, don't be ashamed to click for creds and trash key resources when the opportunity arises.

If we can get DtD down with an Aryabhata or two out and the runner low enough on credits that it hits two or three turns in a row, we usually just win. Or that's what I assume, since runners seem to concede 90% of the time when in this situation.

The deck obviously has a harder time against linked up runners (Sunny, Rabbit-Holed Kate), but can just do normal yellow bullshit to score out. Sansan, BN--> Exchange, Astro. We're never playing DtD against them, but do lay all your PTDs even though you know you're never going to rez them because they're auto trashes for those runners when they check them.

Card choices:


-Door-to-Door: this is a Door-to-Door deck

-Targeted Marketing: I played with Scarcity of Resources for a long time, but the zero-cost of TM wins the spot. It can be just as crippling as Scarcity if we name the right card.

Agendas: Typical (Don't play Restructured Datapool, it's never worth it.)


-SanSan: puts the pressure on.

-Aryabhata: this is an Aryabhata deck, conditional economy.

-Primary Transmission Dish: wins DtD traces, pseudo economy.

-Jackson: Howard be thy name.


I used to try to build around Aryabhata by having all tracer ICE, but I think that's a trap.

-News Hound: 3x in every Sol deck. 2-cost, 4-strength sentry with hard etr. Trace is just a bonus.

-Architect: unexpected, painful facecheck

-Resistor: cheap and useful. One or two will be replaced with IP Block when it releases

-Data Ward: middle finger to tag-me medium-digging anarch, but really I just wanted to try the card out. Keep it for fun, or replace with something cheaper.

-Archangel: trace 6 is a must-break.

-Quandary: go get a decoder, D4v1d isn't enough.

-Popups: we want this money so, as I mentioned, think about where you want to put them.


-HHN: 2x because we need it at the right moment. Had it as a 1x with All-Seeing-I, which still might be the right call. Not sure.

-Exchange: 1x, we're only going to play this once.

-Closed: wish I could fit another, but don't know what to cut.

30 Nov 2016 DrMarodi

Nice idea! I would also consider Manhunt.

30 Nov 2016 jalube

I've tried Manhunt, the problem is that the runner gets to decide exactly when and how often the trace fires.

1 Dec 2016 Friff14


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