Going big

mitro 1


I always loved to play big decks as a corp in netrunner and what better identity than Jinteki: Personal Evolution for this?
A big R&D it's also a good defense against all that runners that trashes a lot of resources from R&D and HQ. It also helps with flexibility, since we have so much tools in our R&D that we can respond to virtually everything.

And with 20,14% of Agendas cards It's pretty rare to be flooded (we have tools also for that occasion).

playing wise I did 10+ games with it and I have to say that it feels better than expected, except for a point that will be discussed later

Win Condition

The win condition, as immaginable by the name of the deck, is to flatline the runner, but it's a slower process since, except rare situations (usually a runner that doesn't respect jinteki) it's hard to do a lot of netdamage in a single step.
Noneless, usually a runner deck has 45-60 cards, and this deck make at least 20 netdamage each game. A lot of runner tools not even installed and time lost by the runner to draw back to a normal hand. But usually their stack ends when you still have 90+ cards in your R&D. And from there it's a matter of time before the runner doesn't have enough cards to win the game.

This decks force you to play at your best when it means to make mindgames, Bluffing with agendas, and lurking the runner where you want he to run (usually R&D is a good target), making him wasting all is resources.


Such a big deck needs to be played accordingly to what the R&D gives you each time, there isn't a standard game, but R&D it's also your best friend, remember, the best place where an agenda can be is inside R&D.

This is also thanks to cards like [Snare!](/en/card/31054) (they are a lot more frequent than expected, every game one or two hits the runner) and agendas like [Sting!](/en/card/26041)(at least 2 net damage thanks to the identity) and [Fujii Asset Retrieval](/en/card/34040)

You'll need to bluff a bit, installing agendas in empty servers or ambushes depending on how the runner runs. If he checks all the remote servers it's always a good idea to scare him a bit with ambushes, or using cards like [NGO Front](/en/card/21039) and [Spin Doctor](/en/card/30053) to make them waste a click running a server that becomes empty as soon as you pop the asset, making the run nor successfull or unsuccessfull.
Having down an ambush (like [Urtica Cipher](/en/card/30045)) permits to you also to play [Hangeki](/en/card/22040) in a really safe way. [Hangeki](/en/card/22040) not only slows the play a lot, but also permits you to bluff a lot.
Usually a runner (except if he not respects jinteki) when see a [Hangeki](/en/card/22040) knows that it means "-1 agenda point or lose the game" so yuo can install an agenda, advance it, [Hangeki](/en/card/22040) it, and the runner will never access (even later) that card and have a -1 agenda points.

Usually all the ICEs are for central servers, to make the runner pay a lot for every access. It was not rare that all my central servers had 4+ ICEs each. This was helped by Tatu-Bola (also a good economy card if you have another one in HQ to replace it.) and Bloom that is kinda broken when you have so many ICEs.
Swordsman and Conundrum are there for the nasty AI, usually one copy of one of them well fired is enough to cripple the runner. And if it happens late in the game, when he already finished the resources in the stack, can mean to win the game on the spot.

Economy wise your best friend is [NGO Front](/en/card/21039), not be scared to play it on turn one and advance advance. Worst case scenario the runner wastes a click, but it's perfect also to ambush the runner, making him run when the corp has low credits, to gain 8 and use them to rez a [Saisentan](/en/card/26044) or [Ivik](/en/card/33045) for some juicy damage.
You also have [Celebrity Gift](/en/card/04012) that gives a ton of money showing to the runner your hq without any agenda, or to lurk the runner on a HQ run showing something spicy, maybe having also a [Snare!](/en/card/01070) there. Remember that also [Tatu-Bola](/en/card/34044) is a good option for some extra credits. But noneless, with a lot of resources comes a lot of costs...so don't be afraid to use your clicks for a credit. It's always the best thing to do when you have nothing better to do. Drawing by click, usually, is a bad idea though, except as first click just before a [Celebrity Gift](/en/card/04012) on a 5 cards HQ. Another good moment to click for draw is to trash agendas from HQ in case of flooding, since a lot of runners are (rightfully) afraid of archives.

Talking about Agenda flooding your best friends are [Drudge Work](/en/card/22052), [Spin Doctor](/en/card/30053) and [Simulation Reset](/en/card/33110) you can use them even on turn one to shuffle back your agendas in the R&D. After all, always remember: The safest place for the agendas is R&D

Honorable Mentions

[Cerebral Overwriter](/en/card/03009) : A really nasty ambush, able to do 1-3 core damage usually, or a good defense for some upgrades. Also [Trick of Light](/en/card/31058)

[Trick of Light](/en/card/31058): usefull to score agendas in one turn, and to use advancment token on ambushes that the runner wouldn't never run.

[Bacterial Programming](/en/card/21033): A great tool to fill HQ and manipulate R&D, giving the chanche to secure agendas and refill resourcers.

[Reverse Infection](/en/card/21053): A great tool against all that virus decks. A good [Reverse Infection](/en/card/21053) trigger can trash 5-6 cards from the stack of the runner, that is the same as 5-6 damage for this deck.

Points of Improvment

The majority of the games that I lost are because I was short by a credit or two. The economy is the principal fault point of this deck, but I have difficulty in finding good cards. [Prepaid VoicePAD](/en/card/04029) are often more costly than profitable. And the influence it's alredy gone.

The weakest card for now it's definitely [Aimor](/en/card/21032) since usually fires too late, so it's the first thing i would take away. I'm pretty sure,anyway, that it's possible to add 1-2 agendas points to make the R&D bigger in favour of some economy.

Last thoughts

I would take it to a tournament? If they were without time limits, maybe yes. usually against good runners games can last up to 50 minutes, but are also usually the games were both has lot of fun.

p.s. why some cards are highlighted and the majority no? I used # and selected every single of them, checking also from different sets.