Fox Five Gang

duppymaker 1

(As a new netrunner player I really enjoy reading people's deck notes and card reviews and I thought it might be fun to give some mostly uninformed thoughts on the Core and other early sets as I fumble around with cards from 2012 and hopefully reach the same conclusions you all did 10 years ago.)

My first ever foray into Netrunner deckbuilding. The idea for this deck came about when I first saw the card Scorched Earth and immediately felt a desperate, burning urge to see the runner converted into a pile of ash. After the red mist subsided from my vision I realised that I would have to have a semi-reliable way to tag the runner, which Core Set Weyland cards didn't seem to offer, so I opted for (what I thought would be) an NBN tagging fiesta.

Turns out Core Set NBN isn't the unending torrent of tags I had hoped for, but a few sneak through when it counts. My 2 wins against my roommate were both flatlines, once from a twice-advanced Project Junebug(my mate is even newer than I am and didn't even have Junebug's effect committed to memory, the absolute fool!!!) and once when I scored a previously advanced Breaking News and did the scorched earth shuffle on my buddies grave. And yeah, it felt so good I completely forgot about the previous two games where he treated my central servers like a highschool athletics day and jogged through them at his leisure.

The rest of the deck is mostly some poorly considered attempt at Psychographics shenanigans because I really truly thought that 3 Data Ravens and 3 Matrix Analyzers would have my roommate tagged 6 ways to Sunday and I'd be kicking down his bedroom door and breaking his piggybank more than at our housewarming party. Incidentally I have 2 copies of moon billboard from the days before it was 1 per deck (this damn website wont let me put in 2 so i threw in some random agenda from Spin as a placeholder) and it's very funny to me that I never got any value out of it in playing this deck, before finding out on here that it's one of the most busted cards in the history of the game and had to be re-printed as a 1-of to stem an unending tide of salt.

On that note, at the time of writing, the Genesis pack has just arrived in the mail and I am currently debating the merits of throwing the funny tagging card in this deck just to see my mates face when he takes a number of tags roughly equal to his chess ELO. If the reviews on that cards page are any indicator, it should be worth the cost of shipping for that alone :^)