Replicating Annoyance

Trizzy613 142

Pretty typical RP deck here, nothing revolutionary but I use it a lot and win fairly often with it. This is a slow and steady wins the race type but I found it to be pretty good at what it does. It works as a pseudo-glacier deck by using net damage as a tax and making everything very expensive to trash.

The lack of burst econ may look unappealing but I've had a lot of success being able to afford everything in the long run and beating the runner click by click, credit by credit.

RSVP + Ash 2X3ZB9CY and/or Caprice Nisei makes for an already good advancement server and once you've scored a Nisei MK II you really start picking up tempo and force the runner to be more aggressive.

Warning: this is not a deck to play against an angry gamer but then again neither is Nordrunner's brilliantly evil Red Coats :D lol