He's got a sword!

Sabredec 2

Based almost entirely on "That's not a knife..." by sid7, I was struggling into my husband's Weyland deck with the Hammer sentry just deleting my necessary hardware and resources and only having Matryoshka meant I couldn't shut it down. Enter Window of Opportunity and Boomerang to bounce that ish and hopefully click and money starve the turd.

Other than that, deck runs as designed: mill yourself to daggers, Sable does Sable things, profit!

24 Sep 2024 bekeanloinse56

Your strategy of milling yourself to get to Daggers while leveraging Sable is an interesting slope approach. Sable’s ability to dig for cards can really help you get the tools you need while also putting the pressure on your opponent. It sounds like you’ve found a way to balance between aggression and defense, and the combination of money starvation and board control should keep your opponent on their toes.