Global Warming v0.5

Myriad 241

Its time for Anarchs to turn it up to 11. Lets melt that ICE and do some serious damage.

This deck works off of the theoretical synergy between total ice destruction and the raw power of keyhole.

Deck Theory

Paintbrush allows you to turn anything into a barrier early game and late game to turn anything either into a barrier or to whatever you need to be able to power through it with knifed, forked or spooned. Coupled with E3 feedback implants you have the power to eat up to 10 pieces of ice.

Keyhole and Wanton allow you either to help pick off agendas or ICE while using Eater or perform a super legwork.

This deck is completely untested as I don't physically have the cards yet. But here are the cards that I think will not survive the first few rounds of playtesting.

Possible Changes

  1. Quality Time - I really just was lost on what to do with my last three influence.

  2. -1 Amped Up - This card is bonkers, but I have no way of increasing hand size and I know that flatline Weyland will almost certainly be a thing.

  3. Plascrete - Maybe this will become Steelskin? I am not sold on either as I will be doing some damage to myself as I play.

  4. The economy - I am unsure on the specifics of how to make this deck hum. Event economy is really solid in this and I have a feeling Dirty Laundry is going to be bananas. Asset spam might be a problem for this deck though... but who cares, you can laugh at them while you eat ALL of their ice. I will probably ty swapping the Casts out for Armitage so I have a throttle ability.

Possible Includes:

  1. Prepaid Voicepad/Public Terminal - Most of the events in this deck are Run events anyway... but Prepaid would allow me to go deeper into event economy. Blasting out a Day Job for 9 or 10 might be worth not running Liberated.

Future Cards:

  1. Immolation Script - I doubt I will have the space for it, but this card is going to be very good in this deck. It will also give you a potent power to pop off in Archives.

  2. Power to the People - With a Keyhole deck... you have a decent shot of predicting that you will indeed just touch an agenda that turn.

  3. Comet - Cutting Paintbrush down to one and going all in on Comet would allow for some punishing 1/2 punches using immolation script or just day jobbing up and then running with knifed/forked/spooned.
21 Jan 2015 quiciuq

Swordsman, Wraparound, with Turing heading this way...

21 Jan 2015 Myriad

Might be worth running Cu.j0, but you also are running three copies of Eater and Quetzal and E3 which let's you bust 1 piece of ice for 0 to 2 creds. Paintbrush let's you do this to anything that is rezzed.

D4v1d might also be a worthy include. Wraparound doesn't scare this deck. Quetzal can burn it down.