First Runner deck (Shaper)

Pumpkinseed 3

Illy Vanilly Cal ma Hal

5 May 2015 Fentonizer

Femme Fatale might be a better choice over Ninja. It's much pricier to install, but you'll save in the long term, as running with Ninja is expensive. Femma is slightly less expensive on a per run basis, especially with data sucker tokens, and it's only 1 influence. You could put another Special Order in with that new spare influence to speed things up.

Magnum Opus and Armitage Codebusting are basically the same, it's just one costs 5 to install and is endless and the other only costs 1 but can only be clicked 6 times. If you Aesop The Armitage on it's last click, you can eek a bit more out of it and save that click as Aesop is when your turn begins, and obviously no issues there either.