The most comparable console to Vigil is Astrolabe. Astrolabe while providing an equal draw power to NEH while playing against it can be a little lack luster against other corps, especially if they have already set up their scoring server and put down a Jackson before Astrolabe even hits the floor.

Vigil However while not as good at the NEH match up, may provide a near consistent card a turn for the rest of the game. During play most of the time the corp will have five cards in hand, assuming my meta is anything to go by I have found Vigil to give me around six draws a game. If the corp really wants to lower their hand size each turn then they are probably giving you easy accesses to agendas from HQ.

Vigil Also Pairs quite nicely with The Angel Cayambe and Itinerant Protesters making it even harder for the corp to duck out of hitting max hand size, giving you a card draw and making those Legworks all the better.

Out of all the consoles in the game assuming Desperdo will forever hold top and that Astrolabe was the second best console in the game? I think Vigil could easily be the Third best (Although I think its better than even Desperdo)