To all the confused players trying to figure bypass abilities out : The bypass effect on this card DOES NOT prevent "on encounter" abilities from firing (eg Data Raven, Toll Booth). This is due to the text "currently being encountered" on the card, making it's bypass weak compared to say Inside Job. In order for the ice to "currently be encountered" the "on encounter" effects will have already fired.

Logic Bomb works this way too.

Wild guess: you recently had this debate on

To all the confused players trying to figure bypass abilities out : The bypass effect on this card DOES NOT prevent "on encounter" abilities from firing (eg Data Raven, Toll Booth). This is due to the text "currently being encountered" on the card, making it's bypass weak compared to say Inside Job. In order for the ice to "currently be encountered" the "on encounter" effects will have already fired.

Logic Bomb works this way too.

To all the confused players trying to figure bypass abilities out : The bypass effect on this card DOES NOT prevent "on encounter" abilities from firing (eg Data Raven, Toll Booth). This is due to the text "currently being encountered" on the card, making it's bypass weak compared to say Inside Job. In order for the ice to "currently be encountered" the "on encounter" effects will have already fired. This was written as of 2/13/2020, so check up on the latest NESI rules to be sure it is current.

Logic Bomb works like this too.

To the poor confused new players trying to figure out how this card works : Yes, it is a bypass effect, so it gets three damage from Anasai and can't pass Guard. However, unlike most other bypass effects in the game (eg inside job), this bypass ability ALLOWS ON ENCOUNTER ABILITIES TO FIRE. I'm talking tags from Data Raven, money on TollBooth, the WORKS. This is due to a technicality on the card which reads, "currently encountering". EG, you have to already have encountered the ICE to use logic bomb. This is also true of Demara, Lustig, and the other trash bypass crim ICE, I forgot what it's called.

It's Abangale, by the way.

I'm not here to tell you about anything the other reviewers are talking about on here. It's MWL 3.3, and certain decks of the month ( have been seeing some extensive play on lately. Well. Let me tell you a story. A story about a little criminal card that at first glance appears merely great. Stack 8 creds on this guy, cash out 7 of them, leave him on the board to chain with any type of trash ability like aesops or whatever. Blah blah. But against the above agfusion deck, it makes Labyrinthine Servers and getting hit with an Inazuma + agfusion combo into an 8 token advanced Junebug or Cerebral not only survivable, but actually mildly hilarious as the corp wastes his precious 2 Labyrinthine tokens and you, being the wise runner you are, only take a few credits off of Bank Job at a time and float it on the board to avoid his Kill Servers like the unholy plauge upon Netrunner that they are. Is it worth it to splash? I think probably not. But it is an easy include to crim decks in my mind with this nonsense running around "Standard Legal" for the moment. 11/10 amazing card for crim decks

note i would only float that many credits on bankjob against this particular ID. —