Makes cards like Universal Connectivity Fee better, since Draven is fairly expensive to rez for NBN, however once UCF pops, bandwidth would essentially be doing nothing. I'm looking forward to more support, but in MN with IO its still pretty good, and with muckraker its even more fun. I like where it is going, and the splash is super nice. 3/5 for now.

It already has a bit of support in Sub Boost. it becomes a 5str code/barrier with an ETR subroutine. —
Does it work with bandwidth? —

Seems like a fairly good card, even 1 credit and 1 click is a fair tax on the runner, but 1 trash in RnD giving a fresh card kind of sucks. I hate to slot this over a copy of something I want anyway. The issue really is slots. Until you want a toolbox of assets, this can stay in the binder. 2/5


I'm actually a big fan of this. Notice that a lot of Weyland sentries and cards are 2+ subs (shadow, cad, negotiator, errand boy, archeretc). This allows you to run real tax, or gain real benefit. Different from RP who hurts the runner if the subs fire, weyland generally stands to benefit somehow.

I'm imagining a Midway Station Grid type build with lots of multisub weyland ice. The cost to rez is nice vs face-checking, and if we can ever drive mimic out, this is a good taxer for most permanent killers. 4/5


This falls into the category of fair things to get the runner to run. In Weyland putting the runner into the spot of "run and die, don't run, and fall behind irreparably" is right in the game plan. We're in the age of assets and this is something fair, in faction, and very easy to not have a down side. Runner clicks are worth about 2cr, so even just installing this is a good 'net swing' if the runner runs it. 1 click for the corp to get the runner to spend 1 click running it, and probably trashing it for fear of gain 4cr next turn and possibly more if iced. Probably a fair 1 of in most decks that aren't blue-sun.


In a deck that is all tax, like RP tends to be, this is icing on the cake, and is quite oppressive when played. If you're not already burning hanging influence, its a good way to do it in RP. An agenda spread of NAPD, Fetal and TFP makes PA quite good. With NBN, adding herrings, rsvp, ash, bandwidth and UCF and other taxers. this can bring in glacier NBN. Its not the greatest, but free is a tough price to argue against.

From a purely tax perspective, the price (influence + credit cost) is really the only thing it has going for it compared to Enhanced Login Protocol. —
The problem with just splashing this card is that it will probably only do its job once: the moment the runner accesses an agenda and steals it; since the current is then trashed. This is why I believe that for PA to be useful, you need to actually build a deck around making it survive and allow it to do its job more than once. —