Andy Flurry

Sojourne 65

An Andy that maximizes an economy that is entirely dependent on running. You don't have time for Kati Jones or even Account Siphon, just keep accessing, make sure your John Masanori triggers, your Datasucker are loaded, and you get Grifter cash. Security Testing is amazing here too,

Note the main "puzzle" of the deck is knowing what to Parasite. You only get to do it twice here, so make sure it counts.

Would love to fit Legwork in here, but unfortunately in the interest of needing your infrastructure cards to turn up early and thus 3x of each, there's no space for it. Try to make up for it with a higher number of HQ single accesses. That said, this deck will die to most CI builds.

Lotus Fields tend to be placed on centrals once the Corp sees you are running Yog.0 and Datasucker, so Passport is an arguably better choice as a decoder than Peacock here.

Incredibly fun and exhilarating to pilot this deck. It's the Criminal "run and gun" never-stop idea in the extreme.