
Descent 2[credit]

Ice: Code Gate - Expendable
Strength: 1
Influence: 2

[click], 1[credit], reveal and trash this ice from HQ: Draw 1 card. Reveal up to 2 agendas in HQ and/or Archives and shuffle them into R&D.

When your turn begins, you may add this ice to HQ.

[subroutine] End the run.

A little circular reasoning never hurt anybody.
Illustrated by Krembler
Decklists with this card

Rebellion Without Rehearsal (rwr)

#125 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2024-05-27

    Where is Descent's ability that lets you add it to HQ active?

    Descent's ability to add itself to HQ is only active while Descent is installed and rezzed. The ability is not active in Archives.


Descent (🌀) can protect agendas both:

  • with its ↳ End the run. subroutine, and
  • with its Shuffle up to 2 agendas in HQ and/or Archives … expendability.

And (because it draws 1 but shuffles 2), you can still tuck away an agenda already in HQ even if you also draw another one. For example, tucking two The Basalt Spire’s or SDS Drone Deployment’s can be brutal; unlike the in-faction Drudge Work, it won't earn you six credits, but also won't take up a deck slot, and isn't rotating.

Like Tatu-Bola, it's a $2/1s/1↳ EtR (at 2/5-inf) that can reposition itself (& shrug off trojans) and/or gain “unbreakable” (non-subroutine) value. AFAICT, it's the last in NSG's cycle of “gearchecks with late-game” (tho the only Code Gate):

  • Ping (sg): has an On-Rez.
  • Ablative Barrier (tai): has a (Threat’d) On-Rez.
  • Tatu-Bola (tai): bounces to swap, for econ, and repositioning.
  • Descent (rwr): bounces to expend or reposition.

PS. @Sokka’s spoiled champ card Key Performance Indicators seems to be a “Weyland Level Clearance” that can tuck an HQ-agenda (while advancing / installing ice / earning credits), which could cannibalize Descent by also being a (more powerful) anti-flooding effect that's “multiple cards in a single slot”. Or maybe together, they'll provide enough in-faction (& incidental) flood-protection to save influence (& slots) on some Spin Doctor copies (as some 44-card decks, like BTL & PD, have done). Or maybe not, since—while Descent can tuck Archives-agendas too—they're both “action-speed”, not “window-speed” (lol) like Spin Doctor. IDK.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)

cheap End the run ice with a dual purpose? sign me up !

Descent is essentially weyland's mini Spin Doctor, cant be used at instant speed but can also help deal with agenda/swamped hands ! this should not be seen as a replacement to our good little doctor of spins but as a nice addition to it.

the ability to bounce it back to HQ lets you not have to choose between its uses unlike its compatriot Tree Line, AND counters Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist or other trojan heavy decks, not preventing itself from being bypassed, but providing an easy instant speed trash of the hosted program :3

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)

Such a good ice with a cool ability. Obviouly, the expendable trait is taylor made for Nuvem SA: Law of the Land. But even other corp will profit from this ice.

First, it is a fairly cheap early gear check that end the run. But, it get better. Suddenly, you can get rid of trojan located on the ice by bringing it back to HQ. Just like Tatu-Bola (but barring Hush). At 2, it is fairly cheap to trash a trojan (like Slap Vandal).

Better yet, it allows the corp (and Nuvem in particular) to better manage their hand and archive to bring back agendas. Just like having Attitude Adjustment, but double with and ETR ice. If the corp play more than 8 agendas, having at least one Descent has fairly good value just for that.

Finally, at 2 influences, this can be played out of faction, especially if having hand management cards and ices is restricted by card slot (like a lot of Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home decks).

The art, name and quote goes well together. While I'm not entirely sure how it relate to the effect, it is a very good design.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)