Never be Running

DrMarodi 320

Here's my version of Adam. Getting rid of ABR is a liberating feeling, because you can actually build your rig and have a mean late game. Brain chip is key here: gives you extra memory for Data Folding and a bigger handsize to feel (a bit) more confortable against kill decks. Hunting Grounds is crucial against Komainu and (Data Ward/ Raven/ Tollbooth). Find the Truth means you will show all your draws to the Corp but just a simple run into archives with Datasucker gives you a good click compression (and gives you valuable information). It is not so fast I would like to but its fresh and fun.

Any ideas?

1 Dec 2016 Sanjay

What is Dr. Lovegood doing in this deck? There are some marginal benefits (Don't want to draw with Earthrise? Turn it off, want to draw some cards secretly? Turn off Find the Truth) but those don't seem especially powerful.

You could opt to find room for Always Be Running or New Angeles City Hall so you have some Lovegood synergy (maybe taking out the Infiltration?).

Alternatively, you could cut Dr. Lovegood and maybe add something that helps you draw through your deck faster... an extra Public Sympathy? Symmetrical Visage.

Do you find you end up needing the Dyson Mem Chips? Keep an eye on that... if they don't end up being useful you could cut them for other cards... Plascrete Carapace perhaps? Sports Hopper perhaps?

It is a very in vogue card these days, but you could also consider replacing your Lucky Finds with Temüjin Contract... you are going to be running archives to charge up datasuckers and to Find the Truth... you might as well be paid for it.

Hope that helps!

1 Dec 2016 DrMarodi

Thanks for the feedback @Sanjay!

Come to think of it: I only used Dr. Lovegood for turning off Safety First in the early game, but a third Public Sympathy might be better. I will definetely try that version. I started this deck with ABR in the deck and e3 Feedback Implants but seemed to be too much effort for little benefit. Dyson Mem Chip is really useful in cases when I don't steal any agendas and I need the free memory for Data Folding. I don't think this deck need Plascrete because it constantly can have 6-7 cards in grip. I use Lucky Find instead of Temüjin Contract because I don't really like that card. I don't want to rely entirely on resource economy.

Thx Again!