[Startup] Leech.deck

tehepicwin 190

This is the kind of runner I expect to be seeing a lot in the coming weeks. Cleaver+Buzzsaw+Leech walks through most ice suites in the format, and we play Echelon instead of Mimic because we don't want to insta-die to things like Archer.

This is pretty unrefined, but there are some key things here that I think will stay. First of all: Creative Commission is nuts. The most worthwhile 6 influence you will ever spend. Second of all, your econ will need to bounce back up from low credits to not die to Public Trail shenanigans, and also just to recover while pressuring in general. That's why Career Fair is in here, and I think it's one of the best at recovering from low credits. Third, in case the corp plays annoying ice like Tollbooth or Pharos, you'll need Botulus. Running Botulus along with Leech means we'll need a lot of MU.

What I don't really like is T400 and Wildcat Strike. T400 is just in there to get more MU when you need it, but maybe running the companion stuff gets you there better. Wildcat Strike usually gets you 4 credits, and that's fine, but sometimes you really want credits and not cards, especially when you wind up on low credits. You don't need many credits to go through ice, but you need some, and installing programs+MU is expensive.

In the format right now, the hardest things for leechrig to deal with are Tollbooth, Archer, Pharos, and Engram Flush. If you're annoyed by decks like these, just play some of those cards and your matchup should improve a lot. Also, I've had a hard time beating net damage Jinteki decks, although that might be a player skill issue.

2 Apr 2021 valerian32

Maybe Ice Carver (at least one) can be useful for saving creds and leech tokens