In comparison to other tutors, Tyson Observatory is very slow. This is of course by design.
Most tutors cost you 1-2 and 1 more than just having that card in hand. Special Order is a to play, and then you'll need to to install the breaker. Planned Assault and Consulting Visit are doubles, but you play the event as part of that action. Hostage lets you install the connection you searched for. Levy University is a little slower because you have to to install itself, to search, and to install the ice. Self-modifying Code is so good because it does not cost you an extra . Tyson is the opposite: it costs 1 to install, 2 to search, and a 4th to install the hardware.
That's a boatload of s for 1 card, man.
However, programs are much easier to trash and much easier to recur. Hardware is very hard for the corp to trash and very hard for the runner to get back from archives. This is most likely why Tyson was designed to be so slow; hardware is a very resilient part of the runner's rig, and tutors can make something like that very powerful.
I think you're only slotting this if there's several very specific pieces of hardware you're looking for, and you're in . You could use this to get out your first Replicator, but from then on your hardware will tutor for other copies on its own, which thins out your deck and helps you find any missing rig pieces. So maybe if you're not using replicator but still have lots of hardware. It better be worth it; it's costing you an entire turn to get out the first hardware. So don't waste it on NetChips, man. I will slap you.