[STARTUP] En Passant Profit and Taxes

Comred 20


Hey everyone, I am Comred. This is my first Android Netrunner deck that I'm trying to build from scratch and publish for feedback. That being said, I only have access to the recent set and SG + SU.

I got into Netrunner about 3 months ago; I used to play competitive Magic: The Gathering, so I will most likely use terms and archetypes I know from Magic. If you have feedback on my deck building, please feel free to let me know. I would like to try my hand at some in-person tournaments and maybe bring this deck, so any help would be awesome.


The main idea behind the deck comes from MTG stax decks. The goal is to make it tough for the opponent by making them pay more for their actions and using removal. This way, we aim to limit their choices and make their moves harder to pull off.

The ID

I picked Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter for this deck, as I loved the aspect of forcing my opponents to choose between two painful options and asking them which one they want to deal with.


We have two main profit engines Red Team and Saci. I am really excited to play test Saci. I love the idea of profiting off taxing your opponent. With the huge upside of using Steven is even if your programs or resources get trashed you can always bring them back by running HQ.


This is the main bulk of the deck and my personal favorite part of the deck. We run Forged Activation Orders, Emergency Shutdown and Tread Lightly, and Xanadu. These our going to help us tax our opponent, either forcing them rezz at a cost, which hopefully nets us profit with Saci, or they trash their ice. Then we use Steven to reanimate are wonderful bird Saci. Thus allowing us to play him again gain us more money and hopefully push the corp deeper into the dedt.


Like any good criminal we need to be smooth and sneak in for that we run S-Dobrado and Capybara. These will help us avoid Ice altogether synergizing with some of our stax pieces.


Like any good stax deck you need removal. For us we run two En Passant and Hermes these card will net us some huge value. Either removing critical pieces of ice from HQ or bouncing back Ice after and Agenda is Scored.

Ice Breakers

Hopefully, we don't need ice breakers as either the Corp will be too broke to rezz ice or we have sufficiently sabotaged and trashed their ice. If they do get ice we have four tools to help with that. First is Mutual Favor which should help us find our tools. We run Buzzsaw, Carmen, Curupira, and Botulus. I am still testing Curupira, but the other three our solid cheap programs that efficiently help us get where we need to go.


Out of all the decks I've had the chance to pilot, this one stands out as my absolute favorite. While it is challenges, the amount of options and seamless synergies it brings to the table is what I love about it. The intricate web of possibilities and the way different elements works together have genuinely kindled my passion for this deck and this game.

I will post my NBN deck later today, so far NBN has been my favorite of the Corp decks to play and I am excited to get everyone's thoughts on it.


14 Aug 2023 SciCat

I absolutely agree that the new trojan suite should reach outside of just Arissana and Shaper. Looking forward to testing this potentially back-breaking archetype and see where it's possible to flex in multi-access.

14 Aug 2023 Comred

Don't get me wrong I like Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist. I want to see how Criminal would handle a trojan strategy, If I can make it work and what way I can try and break Saci.