Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
Rotation |
Pre-rotation decklist |
Packs |
Core Set |
A Study in Static |
Humanity's Shadow |
Future Proof |
Creation and Control |
Second Thoughts |
True Colors |
Double Time |
Honor and Profit |
Up and Over |
All That Remains |
The Valley |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost |
Repartition by Strength |
Derived from | |||
Blitz Running PPvP Kate | 81 | 67 | 49 |
Inspiration for | |||
XxAuroraUser69xX Kate | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Blitz Running PPvP Kate - Clot & Comet | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Post clot/blacklist Blitz Running PPvP Kate | 45 | 37 | 12 |
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Updated my Kate list to include Clot. Since NBN got pretty hosed by Clot alone, the second legwork isn't as needed. I tried to fit the third smc at first by removing deus X but in the end it wasn't necessary.
3 Apr 2015
3 Apr 2015
The deck was already strong against NEH and Fast-Advance in general but Clot is the nail in the coffin. A skilled player should never lose against Fastrobiotic with this deck, bar exceptionnal luck for your opponent and really shitty draw for you. |
3 Apr 2015
I love this version of Kate, I've been playing an imp version for a while. The match up against scorched decks feels weird; sometimes Plascrete doesn't even really matter. Is that why there isn't a copy included? How do you feel about your non-NEH match ups in the metagame? Thank you for your work pushing this deck! |
4 Apr 2015
In general, your massive econ should be your first defense against Scortched decks: just don't make a successful run until it's safe. Run occasionally, though, to keep them rezzing things to worsen their own economy, lowering their potential trace strength. I was against a Blue Sun Scorched/Punitive deck this weekend, and he went up 6/0 innitially because he was threatening the flatline. Eventually, I out-econ'd him and he couldn't ever get the third agenda scored. I won 7/6. The second flatline protection us Utopia Shard. As soon as they play Midseasons or SEA to trace you successfully, blow Utopia to make them discard the rest of their combo. This also happened that game, as I stumbled onto a 3-point agenda early, and it turns out he had 2 Punitives in hand (and a scored Cleaners; my hand size was 3, and I shouldn't have run, but fucked up). After he traced the first one, which I beat, as he knew I would) I blew Utopia and made him discard the second one. Honestly, I could have missed the second Punitive with the Utopia and just died, but that's only because I failed Plan A: have more econ. |
4 Apr 2015
Where is the Clot? (or is this intentional?) I suppose it's the 46th card in the deck given you only have 13 influence spent. |
4 Apr 2015
Have you considered throwing out the Indexing for the upcoming Age of Glacier, or do you regularly get it to fire against Blue Sun / HB decks? |
4 Apr 2015
The single Indexing is necessary and won me a tons of game against glacier deck. More often than Makers Eye in fact. People understimate Indexing because you don't access directly but the ability to reorganize the R&D is invaluable. And you don't have to run twice in the same turn anyway. You can make your Indexing, put an eventual agenda deep down and then run a couple of turns later =). |
5 Apr 2015
How do you go against RP or IT department decks? I've had a lot of problems with them lately. Love this deck though, strongest around. |
5 Apr 2015
I've been running a single R&DI over the Indexing and it's been quite good. Being able to dig 4 with Maker's on a single run is good. |
6 Apr 2015
Against ITD deck, you've to understand that ITD decks need to rush out 4 points before before being able to close-out the game with ITD. So don't let them rush. Normally, ITD should be easily trashable if they only take a single turn to pump it. Don't let ITD on the board more than a single turn and you should be ok. |
6 Apr 2015
I was looking to try out a Kate deck and this looked like a lot of fun. After playing it a few games, I couldn't help but feel that it was a slightly slower, clunkier version of PPvP MaxX, whose events keep flowing non-stop into her hand. With Kate, I actually found myself clicking for draws frequently, which I felt slowed down the "blitz" strategy. How would you compare the two decks? The Shaper faction gets you some R&D dig here and some tutoring through SMC, but MaxX has no problem splashing in the Clone Chips and at least one Levy AR Lab Access, and Anarch gives her Eater for blitz facechecking and guarenteeing that all your run events land smoothly. Kate's ability, while always useful, doesn't seem fully utilized in a deck focused around events rather than a powerful rig. |
8 Apr 2015
You actually want to draw a lot and not to run really often except if it's totally free. As a rule of thumb, you don't want to run a central for a single access except if it's totally free or you are on matchpoint. The key principle here isn't so much to run a lot but being able to set-up as fast as possible so you can make a remote-lock and don't let the corp have a scoring window. Having Kate Ability working on a third of the deck (18 cards) and with a couple of them who will be played more than once (clone chip & disposable programs) doesn't seems too shabby for me. |
18 Apr 2015
I'm sorry for seeming very dumb but I was thinking about bringing this deck to a small tournament I'm having in a few weeks and I'd really appreciate some help. It'd mean a lot if anyone could help me out with some questions. 1) So, my guess is, this deck doesn't want to run a lot, just threaten remotes and occasionally run R&D with The Maker's Eye or HQ with the single Legwork. But is it enough? Because the options for breakers seem very limited, however, the games might be very sloggy and last very long. 2) Is 2 Cerberus "Lady" H1 enough to last the game or they run out pretty fast? The same applies for Cyber-Cyphers - I'd guess that one is set to R&D and the other on the remote. 3) When do you use Levy AR Lab Access? When you've gone through all your recursion and/or economy? |
20 Apr 2015
Been playing this deck a week. My first time playing Kate. Usually when I lose, it's because I didn't spend enough time on setup. Clone Chip+Parasite proved much, much more useful than I anticipated. I'd really like a way to fit I've Had Worse into this deck as a little extra protection. |
20 Apr 2015
I did get into a spot or two where Cerberus Lady was NOT enough of a barrier breaker. but I think more clever use of Atman and Parasite would have probably sufficed. |
4 May 2015
Given the money this deck can generate, would it be worth putting Study Guide in to replace CyCy? Maybe -2 CyCy, +1 Study Guide, +1 Atman? Or +1 Study Guide +1 Symmetrical Visage? |
4 May 2015
Gonna post my latest version pretty soon ;). I removed one SoT for a Visage and it has been awesome. No clot because I don't like the card and giving away inf against two third of the field is just a terrible idea. |
Hi, can you tell your opinion about clot ? Did he shut down NEH ? Thank you and sorry for my english.