Red Queens Master Key (Order and Chaos)

CodeMarvelous 20021

Bringing back this idea, since with Keyhole you dont access cards, eater replaces knight and then its ice destruction, extra clicks and hades shard.

Looking for a discussion

@SlySquid what do you think of the changes?

16 Dec 2014 david_annable

I love this. It's bonkers.

16 Dec 2014 CodeMarvelous

Im concerned about MU but dont want to cut anything for Djinn

16 Dec 2014 razhemnet

Well, with Grimoire out you do cover Keyhole and Eater handilly, Corroder doesn't need extra help, but it's when you add Mimic when you¡ll have real MU problems since you will always want a datasucker for it just in case.

Also, no code gate breaker? I know the idea is mostly to bash R&D with Keyhole, but a single codegate Etr routine on a remote server and it sudenly becomes an unbreakable wall till you get Spooned into action. Maybe add a Crypsis just in case you need to break into a remote or at the least consider singularity so Eater can break in, trash everything and then you can hunt in archives when relevant?

16 Dec 2014 david_annable

Once a Grimoire hits the table, you should be good to install Keyhole, Eater, Datasucker and have room left over for Parasites where needed. I assume Corroder and Mimic are there for "backup" so if you're really worried, you could ditch a copy each of those for a few Djinn. Could help get you those Parasites when you need them.

16 Dec 2014 omegalife2002

I always loved your original version of this deck and I'm really digging this new update. I don't think you need to be super worried about MU. But I do think @david_annable had a good thought about cutting down Corroder and Mimic down to singles to slot in two Djinn's, if you want that assurance and tutor.

16 Dec 2014 Oisin

Why Roja for this identity? Is the extra pressure on the Corp's economy better than Quetzal and the free barrier break?

17 Dec 2014 ossa

This is extremely similar to a list I've been working on, Code Marvelous. I think Amped Up Keyhole will be one of the best Anarch decks to emerge after O&C drops.

I'm not sure if the cutlery events will even be needed, but they do help open the path to HQ. I'm excited to test out Day Job. I think this deck can afford to take a turn off of running to build up since it can win so quickly. It also opens the door for a copy or two of Vamp to ensure the Corp is at zero. Earthrise Hotel is an option to maintain aggression through the long game - the Corp won't have time to trash it - but I'm not sure if that's better than the QT bursts. And since this essentially a tag me deck, Joshua B may worth the slot.

It's great to see you working on this archetype. You're an excellent deck builder.

17 Dec 2014 Diegofsv

I love this deck, but I will probably will go with MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock. Will change Quality Time and Hades Shard for 1 Levy AR Lab Access and add more Wanton Destruction because this is just too good.

17 Dec 2014 Labbes

I like this list, although I prefer Security Testing over Siphon. I'd probably also throw out the Forked, because it's only really good against Blue Sun, and I think that matchup is already handled pretty well by Keyhole trashing those Barriers, and Datasuckers making your runs cheaper.

I can't wait for O&C. I played a lot of Anarch lately, and Blue Sun with Lotus Field is pretty much an instant loss.