SlySquids "M3M0R7 L4N3" v2.0

SlySquid 4763

5 Apr 2015 Dread Sovereign

Is this a thing now where we Talk in L337 when building Jinteki Biotech. Really Liking the Interaction Between Gyri Labyrinth and Valley Grid, thats great. I am seeing this getting Ripped up by Eater decks though, so its good you included Architect. Medical research fundraiser giving the runner money to break your ice.

So this deck is entirely based around The Brewery I'm Assuming?

5 Apr 2015 SlySquid

I just liked the look for this title, but sure lets make it a thing lol

@AgentGear i think that this deck has some strong plays against eater decks, between #laby, Valley Grid and Caprice Nisei/Nisei MK II they can walk threw most of my ice but set themselves up for a flatline, it's stil a work in progress but I like the base of it atm

And not its first and for ist a Greenhouse list with strong ties to brewery

5 Apr 2015 4dd150n

You really do have a gift for incorporating new cards into creative ideas.

5 Apr 2015 Dread Sovereign

@SlySquid I'm kinda seeing them Using the Cutlery to burn it down one at a time rather than taking your death server on all at once. However that is probably a marginal thing, and as I keep telling everyone, not that great a strategy Down With Eater! but maybe still something to watch out for.

Well you made two Biotech decks this way an I did one without realizing you had already made one, so it must be a thing :P You heard it here first Every one Jinteki Biotech decks are to be titled in L337

"Lets Make this a thing" - SlySquid 2015

6 Apr 2015 vanguard

I like the build, & have been looking closely at using Valley Grid, Gyri Labyrinth and Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded. I just wonder if your 13 ICE here is enough to layer in front of Valley Grid to make it really punishing? Will try and give this deck a spin later this week though!

6 Apr 2015 Shulmey

I came up with an extremely similar deck based around the Brewery. I used 3 Braintrust instead of Genetic Resequencing and FP, because once the runner sees one, they are more likely to run at non-advanced installed cards. To that end, I also added a Snare! and 2 Psychic Field as no advance traps. I think Psychic Field was a good addition, as running on 3rd click isn't a no-no rule, but I'm torn on the effectiveness of Snare. I love your inclusion of Gyri Labyrinth. To be honest, I completely forgot that this card even existed...

8 Apr 2015 Dread Sovereign

Here is what I'm finding with mine

  1. Punatives don't work all that well, only off of Fetals can they kill
  2. That Orion Combo is nuts and great for scoring out early
  3. The Valley grid is needed in this deck to get the kill, so far all my kills have been due to throwing Fetal Ai's in Archives (two Copies instead of Napd and Braintrust) and then Punitives, the Brewery has yet to kill anyone, so I'm going to try the Valley grid and Gyri to instead of Punitives and Snares and Checkpoint.

So Basically I'm going to mash yours and mine together and see what I get...I may actually run some one pointers for once.

11 Apr 2015 badbones777

@SlySquid Really liking this a lot - loved the twitch vid whereyou and CodeMarvelous really went in depth in breaking down your choices. Not sure if this will make me switch from my Genomics deck which I am just in love with at the moment, but I think I might just have to build this and give it a few plays. I

Keep stuff coming with blackhats dude, it's awesome!

11 Apr 2015 Ber

I feel like the runner has a lot of leeway to avoid Valley Grid triggering with the ice selection here, since they have to break every sub of an ice to make Valley Grid trigger. Typically a runner only breaks one sub on Inazuma. They can fairly easily leave one sub of Tsurugi alone if they are already expecting minus hand size. Even Architect they can let half fire if they feel like they must get in to that server, but Valley Grid might get them in kill range.

11 Apr 2015 SlySquid

@Addison thanks for the complement my friend! It's nice to know that my weird thought strike a cored with others!

@Ber you are right, my main thought was just to have the scoring server be Gyri Labyrinths, and on paper it looks great but it's proovin to be hard to piolet... But that's how this works, the idea has to be made real and we need to make it better... The next question is how? Have you played the deck...?

15 Apr 2015 lajcik

I'd like to share a few observations after testing a build based on yours last evening.

Genetic Resequencing needs to go, there's too many agendas in the deck as it is, especially with Chairman Hiro being a two-pointer for runners. Personally, I'll try replacing them with a second The Future Perfect.

Also - this deck needs Psychic Field - when people caught on what I was playing they usually started checking remotes looking for Chairman and Edge of World is not going to make them pay for that.

Inazuma is another card that feels out of place. There's two problems with this pick imho - the runner typically only breaks one sub (so it won't trigger Valley Grid) and the only real target for that is Tsurugi or maybe an Architect. I tried running Chum and had some success (wonders in front of Architect), but it suffers from the same problem - people can just ignore it. I tried playing one copy of Mamba, but it didn't really do much.

ICE composition is the hardest nut to crack for this deck imho, since damage ICE don't combo well with hand size reduction. I might try running Quandary or Rainbow to have more ICE that can defend my scoring server

On a positive note - this deck is super fun to play and is really good at catching people off guard since it is such a different flavor of Jinteki. People see Snare!, Fetal AI and Cortex Lock everywhere so they run carefully and try to be prepared for that. Meanwhile you're threatening with a flatline that cannot be prevented by I've Had Worse which makes them super skittish once they see what they're playing against.

A two ICE deep server with Caprice and Valley Grid is enough to start scoring. Run once - have to check for Chairman. Run twice - guaranteed flatline.

15 Apr 2015 SlySquid

All your points are bang on @lajcik, thanks for testing and sharing! I've noticed most of it too and have been working on a new build to shore up a few things... But like any deck I play and build I need to make the deck so it looks best to me on paper (and I did honestly like the composition at first) but ive been having a rough go of it lately and it's time for some changes... I'm testing its successor now, I hope you will like it, I'll be posting it soon

15 Apr 2015 lajcik

That's only natural, especially with these quirky decks. :) I'll post mine when I think it's wort something, maybe we can compare.