Comet Express

Jamo6995 2

So I consider myself a decent deck builder. Been playing netrunner for about 8 months now. I've been running Ken for a while too and have gotten pretty good at making a very good Ken deck. However, getting comet to work with Ken has been a challenge.

I know desperado works well with most criminals but it isn't the answer all console; so please spare me the suggestion. I feel comet was almost made for Ken but just haven't thought of cards that would synergize with the two. I am not married to any card in here except comet so I welcome all feedback to make this work.


28 Jul 2015 W4lt3r B15h0p

When Comet was introduced the first thought for me was to play it with Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone. He's really the only one that can truly utilize its affects with maybe exception to Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker. I've learned that to play Comet you have drop it when the time is right. That time can be first turn providing you have adequate creds or when there's a slow down in tempo on both sides. Otherwise, you could get away without ever actually dropping on the board. I say this because if you get an opening had that puts soooo much earlier pressure on the corp you could potentially win the game without it. It's my opinion that though Comet makes Ken awesome, you don't need it to win as long as you run like a criminal. Run first click. Face check. Force rezzing with Account Siphon. Typical criminal shenanigans.

For your deck, I would see if you can shift things around for Déjà Vu. Not sure what your meta looks like but mine seems to enjoy Power Shutdown to trash Corroder. Also consider Kati Jones to bank for big runs. I'd replace Early Bird with Express Delivery for a form of tutoring. That card has got me out of some tough spots in the past.

Check out mine for some ideas if you like.