It's No Use!

bloodyfistyheart 42

Now, I know there's a million Blue Sun: Powering the Future decks out there, but I think this one's pretty cool. The overall plot is to make it very hard for the runner to make runs without a full rig, while also making it hard for them to assemble a full rig.

The epitome of this deck is Lycan with a Satellite Grid behind it. They will need both a killer and a decoder to get through, or else they lose a program. If they use smc to get the right breaker last minute, just pick up the satellite grid on your next turn. (If they trash it it has pretty much the same effect but also makes them lose 3 credits.) You'll spend your game assassinating key parts of their rig and getting sneaky scoring windows.

The other Morph ICE also do work. Changling can open up scoring windows or provide good asset protection. Wendigo can protect your ICE from something stupid like a Femme Fatale or D4vid, while also forcing them to have a decoder out if they want to break the Ice wall behind it.

At some point they could very well have a good rig set up, which is why we have Aggressive Secretary and Will-o'-the-Wisp handy. Swordsman will of course take care of those nasty AIs that make morph ICE so sad.

One of the primary strengths here is the ability to pick up pieces with Blue Sun: Powering the Future and move them around so the runner doesn't know what's what. Pick up your curtain wall and replace it with Lycan. If the runner thinks it's safe to facecheck anything, you can punish that attitude.