Noise is Here, Fear the Masses

tonybluehose 290

This is a second-ish draft of a Fear the Masses deck I've been putting together with a few other people. I like it because it is definitely more "active" than a traditional NetInstaller Noise-Mill deck.

Parasite is focused on HQ, Crisium Grid will make this deck sad.

Using Fear the Masses two or three times in a turn can be pretty bonkers.

Not sure if it's a "competitive build," but I can tell you that it is a lot of fun to play.

8 Jul 2016 x3r0h0ur

You know what would be really good, immolation script. If you milled a rezzed ice off virus or bhagat, or FTM, you can trash it using eater (eater has an access of 0 to replace with immo script).

8 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

I like that @x3r0h0urThe Sure Gamble slot is actually the closest thing I have to a flex spot, so maybe that could be the change.

If it were face down in archives though, would Immolation Script allow us to look at it (if it were face down), since we are breaking with eater?

8 Jul 2016 MrAaronSA

FAQ Attack

" Can the Runner use Immolation Script during a run in which Eater was used to break a subroutine? No. Eater stops the Runner from accessing any individual cards, and so there is no access to replace with Immolation Script. "

8 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

FAQ Attack approved. Thanks, @MrAaronSA

8 Jul 2016 mawa

Might you want a Hades Shard in case they put an etr on archives?

8 Jul 2016 x3r0h0ur

That faq ruling makes no sense.

8 Jul 2016 Pushover

The FAQ makes sense. When you run archives and access cards, you flip over all facedown cards, then access each card one at a time.

With eater, you flip over cards, but only access 0 of them.

With immolation script, instead of accessing one of the pieces of ICE, you replace that single access with trashing an ICE.

With eater and immolation script, you are not accessing any specific card, so you can't replace that access with immolation script's effect.

9 Jul 2016 NetrunningAmok

A single Nerve Agent sounds super fun too.

9 Jul 2016 NetrunningAmok

Of course you would need to be able to make a successful run without using Eater which may prove difficult, but Parasite recursion and Datasucker, it can be done. Most ice these days is trace ice or bioroids anyways.

10 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

Nerve Agent makes a lot of sense, what with hammering the FtM button so much. As I've played this, I've learned that having 3 in hand is a good "launch" time.

I'd start the game typical with noise, throwing down programs, gaining money--but every now and then bumping into ice for parasite targets, once things look pretty open, the game kind of goes silly.

13 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

Public Sympathy isn't a bad idea to help load the hand--as this is an experimental deck right now (and maybe nothing more than a Tier 2/Tier 2.5 deck, I think it's worth trying all sorts of different ideas for it.

17 Jul 2016 pyrocide

I've been trying out a deck very similar to this, and I have to say Fear the Masses feels amazing to play. I highly suggest everyone play around with the card.

My issue with your deck is that it looks like you're dead-set on trying to win by mill, and while that is certainly possible, I think the more competitive argument would be to mill what you can and go for agendas in archives. Your deck gets shut out of archives with a single piece of ice, unless you can parasite it away. The easiest suggestion is to swap eater with Faust, which you'd think is a bad idea since you need to keep Fears in hand. I've found it's not a problem at all, as there's plenty of other cards you can feed to the devil to get your access.

However, there's two other options: Hades Shard Would allow access for seven credits and avoid the ice issue. My favorite idea though is burning everything to the ground with Apocalypse, which also works well with Eater.

No damage protection? I've Had Worse is usually the go-to, and I think it's great for pulling Fears if you're not worried about flat-lining.

Finally, I know the deck space is tight, but have you considered Making an Entrance and/or Inject? I think both of these cards could help with gathering Fears quickly. Thoughts?

17 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

Great suggestions @pyrocide! The whole Eater rationale definitley came from not wanting to toss FtM's into the heap. I think Hades Shard might be my initial go to over Faust, the money for the deck is actually pretty okay for splashing for a seven cost resource..